I'm still amazed that many who were the 'more patriotic, holier than thou' t-party types morphed into t-swallowed sychophants so quickly and so wholly. A man who was (and still is to the overwhelming majority of Americans no less the world) a complete joke. A self promoter that called reporters acting like someone else to promote himself, showed up a big NYC charity events he never gave a dime to, lied about his material wealth to get his name in magazine top 500 lists (and to defraud banks out of loan money), then lied the other way to not pay taxes, bankrupt multiple companies, defraud people through a scam university, not paying his debts, etc, etc.
A scammer, a con man and a mental buffoon has hypnotized a slice of Americans, some have come to see him for what he is and his lies, then there is the self absorbed trolls of socal soccer and others like them that choose to be and show their ignorance daily.