Play High School or Not?

It is still legal to be white is the USA, isn't it?
Do you feel that way???
That's old news. Went to St. John Bosco my Freshman year... color of skin has nothing to do with financial situation of the family. Facts original post not only alluded to straight As but white privileged girls.
Wealth has nothing to do with grades and race. In fact based on experience I believe that educated people tend to be inclusive (Regardless of political views) and more tolerant in which the other hand the poor... You could get the idea.
My post was NOT posted. You posted a doctored quote.
Not changed. Your words not mine . Thats why I asked the question what does white jave to do with it. Not my problem you can't keep up with your own post...

Let me guess. Your gonna mark this post dumb now? You need to be a bit more original then that Factless ...
@Fact and @Multi Sport,

When a post is "edited" its says "Last Edited" and shows the time and date before the Post Number and Reply link immediately above the rating icons. If you look at @Fact alleged post there is no "Last Edited" statement, thus, the post appears to have never been edited. Multisport's screenshot is not of Fact's post but a screen shot of Multisport's reply. Because the original post in question does not have the "last edited" flag, we have to call BS on Multisport's screenshot.

Now, can we stop with the childish insults and get back on track?

Note, I'm going to edit this post 1 min after posted so you can see the "Last Edited" statement right over there: ----------------------------> ----->

Edit (I think it waits for the 5 min to time out before appearing).
@Fact and @Multi Sport,

Note, I'm going to edit this post 1 min after posted so you can see the "Last Edited" statement right over there: ----------------------------> ----->

Edit (I think it waits for the 5 min to time out before appearing).

6min later the "Last Edited" statement is still not there and my power to edit the post is gone. Let's see if it eventually pops up. It could be that edits within the 5 min grace period don't show up, which would make my post false.
@Fact and @Multi Sport,

When a post is "edited" its says "Last Edited" and shows the time and date before the Post Number and Reply link immediately above the rating icons. If you look at @Fact alleged post there is no "Last Edited" statement, thus, the post appears to have never been edited. Multisport's screenshot is not of Fact's post but a screen shot of Multisport's reply. Because the original post in question does not have the "last edited" flag, we have to call BS on Multisport's screenshot.

Now, can we stop with the childish insults and get back on track?

Note, I'm going to edit this post 1 min after posted so you can see the "Last Edited" statement right over there: ----------------------------> ----->

Edit (I think it waits for the 5 min to time out before appearing).
You are correct.

Unless you ask Dom to delete your post and then you repost.

I had to do that once when I posted a link that had my personal data on it by accident and I was unable to edit it after 5 minutes. Once it was removed I reposted it Facts original post brought race into it. I questioned it. He or she changed it and is now trying a cover up.

Thats fine. Some people are like that..
You are correct.

Unless you ask Dom to delete your post and then you repost.

I had to do that once when I posted a link that had my personal data on it by accident and I was unable to edit it after 5 minutes. Once it was removed I reposted it Facts original post brought race into it. I questioned it. He or she changed it and is now trying a cover up.

Thats fine. Some people are like that. And I am a complete lying loser that doctors documents because I am a douchbag..
Go ahead and ask Dom, you have my permission. I did not ask him to delete anything.
Do you feel that way???

Wealth has nothing to do with grades and race. In fact based on experience I believe that educated people tend to be inclusive (Regardless of political views) and more tolerant in which the other hand the poor... You could get the idea.
I do my best to try to deal with people who only see you for what your abilities are. Unfortunately I sometimes don't have a choice and have to deal with people who see skin color first and ability second.. I'm sure it's no different in any profession or school and it can work against any skin color.
@MWN thanks for posting the rule, but do you see my concern with private schools and families abusing the rule? I wonder if posters from the OC are seeing the same issue?

I guess when my ds was playing, the rule allowed underprivileged kids to attend private schools on scholarships. Unfortunately it is now being used for the privileged that know how to get around the rule.
Go ahead and ask Dom, you have my permission. I did not ask him to delete anything.
Maybe you didn't do it like that. Your post alluded to white girls. Now it's been changed. You obviously had a change of heart about what you posted so at least that's good.
Not changed. Your words not mine . Thats why I asked the question what does white jave to do with it. Not my problem you can't keep up with your own post...

Let me guess. Your gonna mark this post dumb now? You need to be a bit more original then that Factless ...
I've got to go with multi, I have not ever witnessed him lying, ever and I am the de facto expert around here.
6min later the "Last Edited" statement is still not there and my power to edit the post is gone. Let's see if it eventually pops up. It could be that edits within the 5 min grace period don't show up, which would make my post false.
I edited my last two post and nothing shows as well. Am I wrong to believe that everyone can edit?
@Fact and @Multi Sport,

When a post is "edited" its says "Last Edited" and shows the time and date before the Post Number and Reply link immediately above the rating icons. If you look at @Fact alleged post there is no "Last Edited" statement, thus, the post appears to have never been edited. Multisport's screenshot is not of Fact's post but a screen shot of Multisport's reply. Because the original post in question does not have the "last edited" flag, we have to call BS on Multisport's screenshot.

Now, can we stop with the childish insults and get back on track?

Note, I'm going to edit this post 1 min after posted so you can see the "Last Edited" statement right over there: ----------------------------> ----->

Edit (I think it waits for the 5 min to time out before appearing).

Don't see it.