Since he's on ignore by you, this will amuse you.
He writes an unhinged post that I stole it from a video that was posted here of a lovely couple having a discussion with a shopkeeper. Then blathers on about the missing teeth and the MAGA hat.
Why anyone would initiate a defense of this lovely couple and their MAGA confederacy (or covfefe) only what may reside inside 4nos thin skinned yet thick skulled noggin.
So I screen grabbed it, and cropped it so I'd have the full beauty of the MAGA words in the avatar. But when I uploaded it, the forum automatically cropped it further. Removing the MAGA words.
So 4nos assumed this pleasant gentlemen was wearing a MAGA hat as opposed to what could just have been a red hat. Maybe it says "MAKE DONALD DRUMPFT AGAIN".
But you know 4nos. A regular Inspector Columbo. He's got all the " TRUTH " !!!! ) "