ESOLEN: Well, in recent years at Providence College, I think the Catholic faculty have felt themselves increasingly in the minority — that is, the faithful Catholic faculty, for whom the Catholic mission of the college really means a lot. And they’ve been the subject of some pretty severe attacks from their secular colleagues. I mean attacks that might jeopardize their careers. And I’ve been growing tired of it and have frankly had enough of it.
So I wrote a couple of articles, one in the spring, one this fall, on basically what it is that we mean by diversity and what that has to do with a classical liberal arts education and of the Catholic character of the college, the Catholic faith.

And the odd thing is that as a Roman Catholic I belong to the most culturally diverse institution in the history of the world, but secular people I think don’t understand that. They don’t know what’s going on or what has gone on in the Catholic faith for 2,000 years, so they view everything in the light of current American politics.
You want the game to be over before the 15th. You’re worried alright. Kek!
It's over. No wall. As I told you before (you never listen!), he will pull the national emergency card. That won't work, either, in court. Pelosi understands government better than he does. She won. I like her now!
It's over. No wall. As I told you before (you never listen!), he will pull the national emergency card. That won't work, either, in court. Pelosi understands government better than he does. She won. I like her now!

Pelosi has always seemed to me as being very smart. Admittedly not the most charismatic, but solid on numbers and tough as iron.
It's over. No wall. As I told you before (you never listen!), he will pull the national emergency card. That won't work, either, in court. Pelosi understands government better than he does. She won. I like her now!
The ramblings of a an optimist or a fool....?
Pelosi has always seemed to me as being very smart. Admittedly not the most charismatic, but solid on numbers and tough as iron.
She knows politics better than most, look at her upbringing . . . t on the other hand doesn't, look at his upbringing.

Pelosi=tough as nails
t=soft as it gets
She knows politics better than most, look at her upbringing . . . t on the other hand doesn't, look at his upbringing.

Pelosi=tough as nails
t=soft as it gets

I think Trumps actually pretty tough.

Take fore example this past government shutdown. He must have understood after about the first 10 minutes of backing out of the earlier spending bill under pressure from Rush Limbaugh- to demand that Congress now fund the Wall Trump had always said Mexico was going to pay for- that there was zero leverage to negotiate a favorable deal. And somehow Trump still got the entire Republican party to tapdance along with this silly charade for weeks, when everyone and their mother knew was this border wall was a lost cause.
She knows politics better than most, look at her upbringing . . . t on the other hand doesn't, look at his upbringing.

Pelosi=tough as nails
t=soft as it gets

I mean heaven forbid Trump stop with the wall across the open desert stuff... and put some of that energy to work on projects that made peoples lives better. He's like Nixon, only this time Nixon rips up the Clean Water Act and defangs the EPA on the way out, and gets by on a social media champagne of telling people it to make their lives better.
She knows politics better than most, look at her upbringing . . . t on the other hand doesn't, look at his upbringing.

Pelosi=tough as nails
t=soft as it gets
How long have Ren and Stimpy been Senators? 30 plus years? T shows up for two years and them two ship wrecks wanna pin the countries problems on a MAGA hat. You people crack me up. People are gonna laugh at you for the rest of your lives.
I think Trumps actually pretty tough.

Take fore example this past government shutdown. He must have understood after about the first 10 minutes of backing out of the earlier spending bill under pressure from Rush Limbaugh- to demand that Congress now fund the Wall Trump had always said Mexico was going to pay for- that there was zero leverage to negotiate a favorable deal. And somehow Trump still got the entire Republican party to tapdance along with this silly charade for weeks, when everyone and their mother knew was this border wall was a lost cause.
Would you say he’s tenacious?