Lol, there isn't a person in here less "PC" then me. I've gotten every nutter in here except diz to want to fight me in person, or at least talk tough about it, lol!!!
I seen to recall you backing up a little when the plumber offered a meet and greet.
Lol, there isn't a person in here less "PC" then me. I've gotten every nutter in here except diz to want to fight me in person, or at least talk tough about it, lol!!!
Who wants to fight you & why?
I don't know of anyone who wants to pick on a big fat coward. Do you?
Who wants to fight you & why?
I don't know of anyone who wants to pick on a big fat coward. Do you?

You talked tough about stomping my ass in person and then moved the goal posts to a public posting of private information. You are the biggest coward of all the nutters in here.
This guy has gone of the deep end, I would have more sympathy if he was black and complaining, but he says he iz a rich white dude, maybe it that white privilege guilt bullshit that's messing with his empty head. I believe he is Gloria Alred in drag.

A white " Middle " age man who thinks he's a rapper running after Ambulances...
"Can I call you Joe?"

2020: Politico Says Joe Biden’s ‘Hands-iness’ with Children Not a Problem

In the desperate hope that countless photos and videos of former Vice President Joe Biden’s “handsi-ness” with women and children can be wished away, the far-left Politico published a lengthy piece Monday dismissing the problem.

Politico is an " Enabler ".....

What's real strange/coincidental is the Fire last week at Jeffery Epstein's " Pervert "
island........You know....Bill Clinton's hangout.

Lol, there isn't a person in here less "PC" then me. I've gotten every nutter in here except diz to want to fight me in person, or at least talk tough about it, lol!!!

You should be VERY happy all this diatribe takes place on a Forum.......

You deserve a " Blanket " party at the minimum......And I' ll bet there's enough
people on this forum that you've insulted/prodded that it would be interesting to
say the least.....You would learn a lesson !
Lol, there isn't a person in here less "PC" then me. I've gotten every nutter in here except diz to want to fight me in person, or at least talk tough about it, lol!!!
Iʻm too smart to want to fight you.....motorcycle boy. Besides it looks like You and blondie have a good thing going.