Wow, just like all the others @espn. I'm no Trump fan bro. I hate all this. But if your not 100% out for him, than your a Trumpist? Just like all the others you are. This is not how to get someone out of office. Bill got George out and Ronald got Jimmy out the right way. This is wrong on all accounts. Just wait dude. I might have to move to Montana because I'm afraid for this country and that is honest as I can get....

He's a criminal lunatic, trumpist. Take joy in your position while you can, before real Americans show him how the Constitution works.
He's a criminal lunatic, trumpist. Take joy in your position while you can, before real Americans show him how the Constitution works.
So only half is real Americans and that happens to be your sides half? So anyone who voted for Trump is not American and is a Trumpest? If your in the middle, you're also a Trumpest and not American and also stupid and not very educated on the constitution and your side will teach us the real constitution in 2020? You served in the military, right?
So only half is real Americans and that happens to be your sides half? So anyone who voted for Trump is not American and is a Trumpest? If your in the middle, you're also a Trumpest and not American and also stupid and not very educated on the constitution and your side will teach us the real constitution in 2020? You served in the military, right?

I see it is hard for you to accept reality, trumpist.
View attachment 5664
Messy, Barr+Durham= Criminal complaints against the other team. Left started it all because Hillary did not pound the streets in middle America. She focused on the wrong states and then blamed it all on Russia. That Durham dude is no one to mess with. Imagine having him asking you questions with a video camera recording your every words and your body reactions from tough questions from Durham and big bright lights shinning on you?????? Depo can go very long and long and long to drain you and look for one little lie to nail your ass. They also ask you to raise your hand to swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God. If you say one lie by accident you go to prison. Not easy even when one is trying to be truthful.

View attachment 5665
Mueller and Shciff are nothing compared to what's coming soon...….

Trump has 8 associates going to prison. Funny thing is Trump can pardon all of them and he will.

View attachment 5666

Left power players who get jail time too will have to wait a long time unless Trump is impeached or loses General. Lot's of prison time at stake. Fair is fair in my book. Many folks warned the Left not to go down this road but they did. When IG report comes we will all get a good look inside DC :)

View attachment 5667
Let me know which Dems are going to jail. Eager to learn from you, Davey.
I see it is hard for you to accept reality, trumpist.
It's too bad you act like this espn. I'm looking for peace. If one side is all wrong than someone will have to fight to prove them wrong. I hope to God we can resolve all this peacefully. I don't like war anymore. When I was young and cocky, I was all for war. When 911 hit us all, my son was 6 months old. I was pissed off and jumped in with Bush the gang. I argued with folks about why we had to seek revenge in Iraq and Afghanistan. I was the first to say, "WAR" because of WMD and because I really like Colin Powell. I'm here to say I was 100% wrong too. Trump was anti war and dodged Vietnam according to many. I saw him as a democratic to be honest back in 2001-2003. He was no on war. Well, my son is 18 now and I would never send my son to the middle east. This cocky kid is a dad now and I see things different. I was so far right when I was 20 that my neck was stiff and It took a very good govt professor at Fullerton college and life to straighten it out. I have a best friend who is black and was stiff necked on the Left side when he was 20. Were both over 50 playing in the middle together. He actually likes Trump more than me, no joke.
Let me know which Dems are going to jail. Eager to learn from you, Davey.
I don't know right now. I'm really confused who did what back in summer of 2016. Let's wait for IG report and have a looksy. Maybe Left is right and Trump will be impeached and removed from office. Someone says he can run again but I'm not so sure he can but what do I know. If you guys got maybe 10 elephants on this inquiry I would think maybe you got something. But so far like Brett K, this looks like a circus. If I'm wrong, can I still be an American or will you punish the Trumpers with jail too?
If you go to for today’s 5 big news reports, WWE is #5.

The stupid Fox fans actually view it as a sport.


The reality is your Jackass Party wants Men in Women's Sports for " Show " so they can Cheat just as
WWE puts on a " Show " to Cheat the viewer out of reality.....

" Messy " the Forum Idiot has displayed once again his lack of proper schooling....

It's too bad you act like this espn. I'm looking for peace. If one side is all wrong than someone will have to fight to prove them wrong. I hope to God we can resolve all this peacefully. I don't like war anymore. When I was young and cocky, I was all for war. When 911 hit us all, my son was 6 months old. I was pissed off and jumped in with Bush the gang. I argued with folks about why we had to seek revenge in Iraq and Afghanistan. I was the first to say, "WAR" because of WMD and because I really like Colin Powell. I'm here to say I was 100% wrong too. Trump was anti war and dodged Vietnam according to many. I saw him as a democratic to be honest back in 2001-2003. He was no on war. Well, my son is 18 now and I would never send my son to the middle east. This cocky kid is a dad now and I see things different. I was so far right when I was 20 that my neck was stiff and It took a very good govt professor at Fullerton college and life to straighten it out. I have a best friend who is black and was stiff necked on the Left side when he was 20. Were both over 50 playing in the middle together. He actually likes Trump more than me, no joke.

I have noticed that you have a lot of buddies just when needed to fill out your parables. Do you work in a pawn shop?

I have noticed that you have a lot of buddies just when needed to fill out your parables. Do you work in a pawn shop?

My best man and my best friend to this day. Married at Doheny Beach bro, 1997. I have a pic but it won't let me show you. Have to believe me on this one
Wow, just like all the others @espn. I'm no Trump fan bro. I hate all this. But if your not 100% out for him, than your a Trumpist? Just like all the others you are. This is not how to get someone out of office. Bill got George out and Ronald got Jimmy out the right way. This is wrong on all accounts. Just wait dude. I might have to move to Montana because I'm afraid for this country and that is honest as I can get....
Montana is in this country.
Montana is in this country.
Yes it is and I can get away from all this soon. I have my doomsday escape with enough food to last me and the family a long time just in case the Left sends all the Trumpest supporters with guns to jail with Trump after he gets locked up for good. Even if you didn't vote and tried to stay out of politics on FB, the hard Left attorneys made it known to all of us where one needs to bend over and kiss the soap to survive. I have past friends who are so pissed off like Espy that your a Trumpist because your not for this impeachment circus and hate on both sides. This is going to get worse before it get's better sorry to say :(
P.S. No one and I mean no one will ever tell me who I can and can't vote for. That draws a line with me pals. Espy is no different than that Jones dude on the right. Jones or Soros? Neither please.......
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It's too bad you act like this espn. I'm looking for peace. If one side is all wrong than someone will have to fight to prove them wrong. I hope to God we can resolve all this peacefully. I don't like war anymore. When I was young and cocky, I was all for war. When 911 hit us all, my son was 6 months old. I was pissed off and jumped in with Bush the gang. I argued with folks about why we had to seek revenge in Iraq and Afghanistan. I was the first to say, "WAR" because of WMD and because I really like Colin Powell. I'm here to say I was 100% wrong too. Trump was anti war and dodged Vietnam according to many. I saw him as a democratic to be honest back in 2001-2003. He was no on war. Well, my son is 18 now and I would never send my son to the middle east. This cocky kid is a dad now and I see things different. I was so far right when I was 20 that my neck was stiff and It took a very good govt professor at Fullerton college and life to straighten it out. I have a best friend who is black and was stiff necked on the Left side when he was 20. Were both over 50 playing in the middle together. He actually likes Trump more than me, no joke.

You may not like War, but the inevitable is about to happen here on OUR Continent if the
Constitution is trashed any further by the Democrats/Rhinos and Pussified Republicans
America voted into office to represent American Citizens...

As for your interaction with the " Govt " Professor at Fullerton College in regards to your
political stature are the classic example of what happens when an indoctrinated
Professor uses his Political Leanings to affect the ripe minds of youth.....

Please explain your statement :

" I'm here to say I was 100% wrong too "

Furthermore ....Why would YOU use the term " I would never send my son to the middle east "
The Military is ALL VOLUNTEER.....has been since around 1973 - 1974.
Why the need to identify your friend by his melanin content instead of by his character content.....


Son is 18 @ present.
Born in late 2000 early 2001...
You state you are 50 +, as is your " Friend "...
You were 32 + when son was born...
You graduated from College aprox in 1990 - 95
That was the heart of Clinton's crap....
High School 1986 - 89
That was Reagan era...

Something about your posts aren't adding up......

Yes it is and I can get away from all this soon. I have my doomsday escape with enough food to last me and the family a long time just in case the Left sends all the Trumpest supporters with guns to jail with Trump after he gets locked up for good. Even if you didn't vote and tried to stay out of politics on FB, the hard Left attorneys made it known to all of us where one needs to bend over and kiss the soap to survive. I have past friends who are so pissed off like Espy that your a Trumpist because your not for this impeachment circus and hate on both sides. This is going to get worse before it get's better sorry to say :(
Only criminals are the ones who go to jail, or haven’t you noticed?
Yes it is and I can get away from all this soon. I have my doomsday escape with enough food to last me and the family a long time just in case the Left sends all the Trumpest supporters with guns to jail with Trump after he gets locked up for good. Even if you didn't vote and tried to stay out of politics on FB, the hard Left attorneys made it known to all of us where one needs to bend over and kiss the soap to survive. I have past friends who are so pissed off like Espy that your a Trumpist because your not for this impeachment circus and hate on both sides. This is going to get worse before it get's better sorry to say :(

I think YOU just " Smoked " yourself out..............Enjoy the opposition.
Son is 18 @ present.
Born in late 2000 early 2001...
You state you are 50 +, as is your " Friend "...
You were 32 + when son was born...
You graduated from College aprox in 1990 - 95
That was the heart of Clinton's crap....
High School 1986 - 89
That was Reagan era...

Something about your posts aren't adding up......
Adopted 1966. If abortion was legal in 66', I would be toast. Mom & Dad Reagan Dems. Me, Regan die hard conservative. Gov class made us debate the other side for a semester. I made girls cry because all I did was judge and I learned some valuable things in that class that later I can reflect on. I got hooked up with the Evangelicals for a few years because I didn't want to go to hell. I also tried to help others from going to hell too. Than one day the pastor told us church comes first and God says you have to be at church on Sundays or else. For a soccer fanatic like me, a choice had to be made. We picked soccer, I hope we don't go to hell because of it. There is more to me I can share if you want.
Yes it is and I can get away from all this soon. I have my doomsday escape with enough food to last me and the family a long time just in case the Left sends all the Trumpest supporters with guns to jail with Trump after he gets locked up for good. Even if you didn't vote and tried to stay out of politics on FB, the hard Left attorneys made it known to all of us where one needs to bend over and kiss the soap to survive. I have past friends who are so pissed off like Espy that your a Trumpist because your not for this impeachment circus and hate on both sides. This is going to get worse before it get's better sorry to say :(
P.S. No one and I mean no one will ever tell me who I can and can't vote for. That draws a line with me pals. Espy is no different than that Jones dude on the right. Jones or Soros? Neither please.......

Vote for whomever you want, trumpist. But don't expect the rest of us to get in line behind you to kiss t's ass.