What the voting public have seen is how elected liberal officials, paid by the tax dollars of hard working Americans, spend all their time chasing Trump instead of doing their jobs. And don't pretend it's just the southern states, your favorite illegals in California or deodorant fearing limp wrists in the northwest. It's ALL of America that sees through your unwillingness to acknowledge the 2016 loss. And at the end of the day, it's okay... you've got 5 more years to adapt.
Hey, this commie says you're spinning, Outlaw. I really think you and Multi need to "do us a favor" and reach out to this guy, too and explain you're not spinning, it's fake news.
Thank you.
Fox News’ Chris Wallace broke with the efforts by most of his network colleagues to downplay the significance of a whistleblower report fueling an impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump and called out Republican attempts to dismiss the revelations.
“The spinning that’s been done by the president’s defenders over the last 24 hours since this very damaging whistleblower complaint came out ― the spinning is not surprising, but it is astonishing and, I think, deeply misleading,” he told Sandra Smith Friday on Fox’s “America’s News