8 Iranian ‘Women’s’ Soccer Team Players Are Men Awaiting Sex Change
Now this is taking one off for the team.

The left doesn’t do that. Most people, including the left, tell kids it’s ok to be who they are. If you’re scared, which so many are, you tell kids it’s “a sin” or otherwise wrong.
The left does not promote it?! LOL!!!!

That is the funniest thing you have ever posted!

Naive, totally!
Listen, girls. I have three kids, all boys. One former DA and college soccer player and 2 current DA players. They are far. They all have gay friends. I don't know about gay teachers. I have told them all that if they're gay or know gay people or gay teachers, it's all fine and normal. I didn't need to tell them...they knew it instinctively as small children. It's called being comfortable in your own skin.
You are sooooooo lost. You ever speak to a person who was gay and is now straight? You should, you would learn a ton. I have relatives who are gay. One was married, left her husband for another woman then left her "life partner" for a man. When I asked her why her response was that she hung around with a bunch gay friends and they encouraged her to step out, that it was OK. In other words, they convinced her. She finally figured out that it was not normal and turned her back on that lifestyle.

We had a baby sitter who was a former lesbian. She said it was a choice, plain and simple.

But it's funny how you paint people who don't agree with your view on homosexuality as being hateful. Funny thing is I work with a lot of gay people and they all know my views. We get along great. No hate.
You are sooooooo lost. You ever speak to a person who was gay and is now straight? You should, you would learn a ton. I have relatives who are gay. One was married, left her husband for another woman then left her "life partner" for a man. When I asked her why her response was that she hung around with a bunch gay friends and they encouraged her to step out, that it was OK. In other words, they convinced her. She finally figured out that it was not normal and turned her back on that lifestyle.

We had a baby sitter who was a former lesbian. She said it was a choice, plain and simple.

But it's funny how you paint people who don't agree with your view on homosexuality as being hateful. Funny thing is I work with a lot of gay people and they all know my views. We get along great. No hate.
So I was right. I should teach you and yours. Sounds like your family, etc. is filled with a bunch of mushbrains who don’t know who/what they are. Everybody goes through their own nuttiness.
So I was right. I should teach you and yours. Sounds like your family, etc. is filled with a bunch of mushbrains who don’t know who/what they are. Everybody goes through their own nuttiness.

You sound like the Drunk Rat now. I'm sure that post made perfect sense to you...
You sound like the Drunk Rat now. I'm sure that post made perfect sense to you...
You said a relative was gay who was a woman but is with a man? How is that gay? And a babysitter who goes back and forth also? So like one of those celebs I read about from time to time? Kooky!
You said a relative was gay who was a woman but is with a man? How is that gay? And a babysitter who goes back and forth also? So like one of those celebs I read about from time to time? Kooky!
Again... you sound like the Drunk Rat. Try to make sense when you post.
This will definitely affect most international sports, did you happen to see the Mexico "woMAN" goalie yesterday?
Im pretty sure she's a woman, although somewhat mannish.
Was good to see one of my daughter's old team mates starting for Mexico.
It gives me an interesting barometer on the level of play.