I will say, seeing the university cut a bunch of non-revenue generating sports is the unintended consequence that troubles me.

So what about accepting money for endorsements from local boosters. Like the local girls AYSO might have the local college team hand out trophies at the end of the year for a thousand bucks type money? Or appearing in commercials selling cars and what not for a lot of thousands. Basically removing or easing some of the restrictions?
Money corrupts.

Ben Carson under fire for transgender observations

JAZZ SHAW Posted at 8:31 pm on September 21, 2019

Now we have some Democrats calling for Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson to resign. I know what you’re probably thinking. Anyone who’s been following American politics at all for the last three years knows that Democrats calling for someone in the Trump administration to resign basically means it’s another day ending in a Y. But this dust-up has at least a bit of a twist to it.

During a HUD staff meeting in San Francisco, Carson was addressing the staff and dropped a comment regarding transgender individuals. He included the phrase “big hairy men” entering women’s shelters or using women’s bathrooms. This set the usual number of heads of hair on fire, leading to more accusations and calls for his resignation. The Secretary isn’t stepping down, however. He instead sent out a message clarifying his comments. (Politico)

“During a recent meeting with local staff in San Francisco, I made reference to the fact that I had heard from many women’s groups about the difficulty they were having with women’s shelters because sometimes men would claim to be women,” Carson wrote.

“This made many of the women feel unsafe, and one of the groups described a situation to me in which ‘big hairy men’ would come in and have to be accepted into the women’s shelter even though it made the women in the facility very uncomfortable,” he added.

“My point was that we have to permit policies that take into consideration the rights of everybody, including those women,” Carson wrote.

The main reason I wanted to bring this story up today is that Carson raised two points that are frequently missing from debates over transgender issues. And he did so in a simple way that people on both sides of this debate should calm down and listen to.

First, there are plenty of places in society, including places of work and publicly accessible spaces, where I’m sure the vast majority of women (and men for that matter) have no problem running into a man “identifying” as a woman or vice versa. I know it doesn’t bother me. It’s a free country. Call yourself whatever you like and dress how you like. But as Carson points out, that doesn’t apply everywhere. Women, in particular, can find themselves in vulnerable situations. It could be anything as simple as using a public restroom or as tragic as finding themselves in a battered women’s shelter.

It’s at times such as those – particularly in a shelter – where vulnerable women don’t want to be exposed to a “woman with a penis.” This is particularly true when it comes to sleeping quarters, showers, changing rooms and restrooms. That is not the time or place for a political debate or a lengthy effort to convince them they need to adapt to this “new reality.”

Carson’s other point came up later in his remarks and he risked invoking the dreaded phrase “common sense.” He wrote, “Our society is in danger when we pick one issue (such as gender identity) and say it does not matter how it impacts others because this one issue should override every other common-sense consideration, We must always be vigilant not to override the common sense of our fellow Americans.”

The fact is that we are being asked, or in some cases told by government authorities, that there is no more room for common sense in this discussion. We can, and should, be ready to acknowledge the rights of everyone equally, and that applies to the transgender community as well. And yet, as with everything else in our society, one person’s right to speak or think as they wish does not extend to mandating that everyone think and speak the same way. This too is simply common sense.

Everyone makes certain concessions in their speech and actions to ensure that the entire society can continue to function. One very small minority demanding that everyone else think, act and speak in an irrational fashion to accommodate their wishes isn’t democracy. It’s tyranny. Carson has a grip on this and yet he’s once again being pilloried for saying what should be common sense.
Money corrupts.

Truthfully... I don't think limiting how much college athletes can make has reduced the level of corruption, sloth and greed within the NCAA even one little bit. Do a quick google search- U of Miami using prostitutes to recruit, the UNC helping athletes cheat, UCLA's Soccer program selling admission letters, Penn trying cover for that child rapist coach Sandusky. It's a cesspool.
Truthfully... I don't think limiting how much college athletes can make has reduced the level of corruption, sloth and greed within the NCAA even one little bit. Do a quick google search- U of Miami using prostitutes to recruit, the UNC helping athletes cheat, UCLA's Soccer program selling admission letters, Penn trying cover for that child rapist coach Sandusky. It's a cesspool.
Throwing money at it is not going to help.
Throwing money at it is not going to help.

Well if by throwing money at it you mean fairly compensating the folks putting their bodies on the line playing college athletics? Then yes... I guess I would have to say my feeling is the Universities need to start throwing them a fair cut of the revenue.
Well if by throwing money at it you mean fairly compensating the folks putting their bodies on the line playing college athletics? Then yes... I guess I would have to say my feeling is the Universities need to start throwing them a fair cut of the revenue.

Putting their bodies on the line? They're only doing that because the NCAA gives them a path to the NFL. How many of these kids would even go to college if it weren't for football or basketball? Football players would have NO path. What percentage are 1-and-done in basketball? There's a great line from the move School Ties where Brendan Fraser tells the headmaster of the high school, "you used me for football... I'll use you to get into Harvard." It's a mutually beneficial relationship. If we offer you free or discounted college, all the respective perks, etc. and you play football or hoop, the NFL/NBA is a benefit... but let's be honest... most of them are there for that dream. Worst case scenario, they walk out educated. We shouldn't punish the NCAA for making money. Those programs (basketball & football) fund so many others that I see nothing wrong with profiting. College sports provide perks that are difficult to quantify. It's the same as idiot, liberals that resent large companies like Amazon for being successful. Those guys hung their nuts out, did something nobody else did and they won. Don't hate Bezos because he's wealthy and can do whatever he wants. Hate him because he's short, bald, ugly and can STILL do whatever he wants.

The NCAA may be something of a cesspool, but bribing your kid into USC isn't anything new.
WTF is wrong with you people?
Megan Fox Defends Letting Her 6-Year-Old Son Wear Dresses To School
"I'm trying to teach him to be confident no matter what anyone else says."

NBC / Contributor / Getty Images

September 22, 2019

After revealing her appreciation for motherhood last week, "Transformers" actress Megan Fox then defended her decision to let her 6-year-old son Noah wear dresses to school.

The Talk" last Thursday, Megan Fox said that her son sometimes wants to wear dresses to his "liberal, hippy" school, and she allows him to pick the outfit he desires despite the ridicule he faces from other boys.

"Sometimes, he'll dress himself and he likes to wear dresses, sometimes," Fox said, as reported by Fox News. "And I send him to a really liberal, hippy school, but even there – here in California – he still has little boys going, 'Boys don't wear dresses,' or 'Boys don't wear pink.'"

"So we're going through that now, where I'm trying to teach him to be confident no matter what anyone else says," she continued.

Fox went on to say that her son stopped wearing dresses for a while before resuming the practice again. She claims it stems from his profound love of fashion.

"He had stopped wearing dresses for a while. He just wore one two days ago to school, and he came home and I was like, 'How was it? Did any of the friends at school have anything to say?'" Fox said. "And he was like, 'Well, all the boys laughed when I came in, but I don't care, I love dresses too much.'"

"He designs, he draws outfits. He's very talented," she continued. "But he's still six so, when I do fittings, like, I did one recently and I had this really beautiful yellow dress on, and he kept draping it in a way where he's like, 'If we do it like this, it looks like a diaper! I was like, 'That's not what we're going for this time, but maybe next time!'"

Fox's reveal about her son's dressing habits comes just one day after she praised motherhood while speaking with Entertainment Tonight while noting that feminists don't often accept her even though she identifies as one.

"Even though I consider myself a feminist, I feel like feminists don't want me to be a part of their group," she said. "What is supporting other females if there [are] only certain ones of us we support? If I have to be an academic or have to be non-threatening to you in some way? Why can't I be a part of the group as well?"

Erik McGregor / Contributor / Getty Images

September 22, 2019

The Left's most-hated fast-food chain, Chick-fil-A, seems to just keep ramping up the sales no matter how much harassment or protest is thrown its way. Ever since the left-wing boycott crusade against the chicken empire began in 2012, sales have not only increased, they have doubled.

Christian Headlines. "In 2012, when controversy arose over the CEO’s comments about same-sex marriage, sales totaled $4.6 billion, up from $4.1 billion the year before. In 2018, sales totaled$10.46 billion, making it the third-largest restaurant in the United States behind McDonald’s and Starbucks."

On top of the sales bumps, the chain has added 700 new restaurants in the span of those seven years. Journal & Courier noted that in 2018 alone, Chick-fil-A saw a sales increase more than four times that of Starbucks at 16.7%.

More details below:

There are more than 2,400 Chick-fil-A locations nationwide, compared to more than 14,000 Starbucks' and McDonald's locations each.

Start-up costs for an operator for a Chick-fil-A are only $10,000, just 10 percent of the minimum cost for a McDonald's. The average Chick-fil-A location brought in $4.6 million in annual sales in 2018.

Chick-fil-A's digital sales via delivery and carryout are also continuing to grow and the restaurant was found to be teenagers' favorite fast food restaurant, ousting Starbucks in a 2019 survey. While Chick-fil-A does lag considerably behind the coffee shop chain internationally, the company did open it's first Canadian location this year with plans to open another 15 locations in the city.

Kalinowski Equity Research founder Mark Kalinowski told Business Insider that with enough time, Chick-fl-A may well surpass Starbucks. "Can they reach $30 billion? I think that's also a realistic goal if you give them enough time, and that should put them ahead of Starbucks," he said.
Joe Biden Says Male Prisoners Should Be Allowed to Demand Access to Female Prisons, This Is a Dangerously Stupid Idea

Posted at 1:30 pm on September 22, 2019 by streiff


Mayor Pete Buttigieg with former Vice President Joe Biden after delivering remarks at Galivants Ferry Stump, SC, Sept. 16, 2019. (Photo by Lawrence Jackson) by Pete for America, licensed under Public Domain.

…yes, and by the way, in prison, in prison the determination should be that your sexual identity is defined by what you say it is not what in fact the prison says it is. In that case, you should be entitled, also, to Ob-Gyn…anyway…you didn’t ask that question…

The best you can say about this is that it is a shameless pander to a fringe element of a fringe element. The worst you can say is that Biden actually believes this and that would make him dangerously stupid.

This is not merely a guest. We actually have a test case of what happens when a prison system adopts this policy. Naturally, it comes from a nation that has thrown away all pretensions of being serious, Great Britain.

David Thompson was a sexual predator with a nearly two decade history of offenses.

White, formerly known as David Thompson, had a history of sexually offending which stretched back to 1989 when he indecently exposed himself to a nine year old boy near a children’s playground.

In 2001 he sexually assaulted and committed gross indecency on a 12 year old boy in Leeds, and two years later raped a pregnant woman after spiking her soft drink with vodka.

He also committed multiple rapes of a 23 year old woman before changing his gender and demanding to be known as Karen.

Britain being Britain, he’d largely skated on these offenses. Around 2014 he moved into a public housing project and demanded to be known as “Karen White.” Again, naturally, everyone went along with him. In 2017, he was arrested for “grievous bodily harm, burglary, multiple rapes and other sexual offences against women” and held without bond. While he was being held, he made his claim of being a woman and the gutless bureaucracy, rather than offend his delicate sensibilities, moved him to a women’s prison. What the f*** ever could go wrong? Glad you asked that:

After initially being charged with the prison sex attacks, White had told the court she could not be guilty because she was not attracted to women and also suffered from erectile dysfunction.

But at a previous hearing, prosecutor, Charlotte Dangerfield told Leeds Magistrates’ Court that she had carried out the first offence within days of arriving at the prison.

The prosecutor said White had struck up a relationship with a fellow inmate which had quickly become inappropriate.

She explained: “The defendant would stand very close to her, touch her arm and wink at her. Her penis was erect and sticking out of the top of her trousers.”

On September 26 last year White approached another inmate. Miss Dangerfield said: “She made inappropriate comments about oral sex, which made the complainant feel sick.

“She took hold of the complainant’s hand and put it on the defendant’s left breast – she could feel her padded bra.”

On a third occasion on 5 October White again made inappropriate comments about oral sex to another prisoner.

“She gave her a bear hug and the defendant pushed her hips towards her with such force that the complainant could feel his penis,” said Miss Dangerfield.

Thompson drew a life sentence for his crimes along with his brief reign of terror at the women’s prison…he has to serve 9 1/2 years before he’s eligible for parole.

I’ll just state upfront that my personal view is that transgenderism is mostly a sexual perversion drafting in the slipstream of an extremely rare yet trendy mental disorder. For every one adult suffering from some kind of definable confusion about their own gender, there are a dozen who will demand to have their balls waxed or insist on playing on girls’s athletic teams or using women’s bathrooms. That society has allowed this to take root is a lasting shame to Western Civilization…or the mangy, scrofulous remnant of that once magnificent edifice that dominates today. It is one thing to go along with this madness in day-to-day life, it is another thing entirely to let the felons set the condition of their incarceration. Prisons are not there for the self-actualization of felons. Their feelings are not the objective, the objective is them a) completing their sentence without b) killing or injuring staff or other inmates. That Biden can’t grasp that elementary concept shows he’s more unsuited for the Presidency than Trump on his worst day.

Putting their bodies on the line? They're only doing that because the NCAA gives them a path to the NFL. How many of these kids would even go to college if it weren't for football or basketball? Football players would have NO path. What percentage are 1-and-done in basketball? There's a great line from the move School Ties where Brendan Fraser tells the headmaster of the high school, "you used me for football... I'll use you to get into Harvard." It's a mutually beneficial relationship. If we offer you free or discounted college, all the respective perks, etc. and you play football or hoop, the NFL/NBA is a benefit... but let's be honest... most of them are there for that dream. Worst case scenario, they walk out educated. We shouldn't punish the NCAA for making money. Those programs (basketball & football) fund so many others that I see nothing wrong with profiting. College sports provide perks that are difficult to quantify. It's the same as idiot, liberals that resent large companies like Amazon for being successful. Those guys hung their nuts out, did something nobody else did and they won. Don't hate Bezos because he's wealthy and can do whatever he wants. Hate him because he's short, bald, ugly and can STILL do whatever he wants.

The NCAA may be something of a cesspool, but bribing your kid into USC isn't anything new.
They're "paid" tuition costs, room and board and they get food money from illegal payments from boosters or agents paying their family members.
They receive this to work as athletes.
Of course, all the adults making billions and promising them "the dream" know that this is not the case for 90%+ of them, who end up without an education and without life skills. (Those that do make the NFL end up broke and with broken bodies anyway, but that's a different subject).
The kids should negotiate salaries.
They're "paid" tuition costs, room and board and they get food money from illegal payments from boosters or agents paying their family members.
They receive this to work as athletes.
Of course, all the adults making billions and promising them "the dream" know that this is not the case for 90%+ of them, who end up without an education and without life skills. (Those that do make the NFL end up broke and with broken bodies anyway, but that's a different subject).
The kids should negotiate salaries.

Were you sober during this abortion of a post? "... all the adults making billions and promising them the dream..."? So now the students are just gullible, innocent victims being used by the man? Good Lord... save the bullshit. Not ONE player in the NFL didn't know ramming his head, full speed into another human being, going full speed, was safe. They traded their health for the fame, glory and money. I'll bet most of them would do it again, too. College sports is a choice. And no, the "kids" shouldn't be negotiating anything... let alone a salary. They get to do that when they're professionals.
Were you sober during this abortion of a post? "... all the adults making billions and promising them the dream..."? So now the students are just gullible, innocent victims being used by the man? Good Lord... save the bullshit. Not ONE player in the NFL didn't know ramming his head, full speed into another human being, going full speed, was safe. They traded their health for the fame, glory and money. I'll bet most of them would do it again, too. College sports is a choice. And no, the "kids" shouldn't be negotiating anything... let alone a salary. They get to do that when they're professionals.
Yes they should and they probably soon will.
Working for room and board while the coach and the networks and the shoe companies make millions ain’t gonna fly much longer.
You have trouble with progress, don’t you? Does miscegenation still bum you out?
Yes they should and they probably soon will.
Working for room and board while the coach and the networks and the shoe companies make millions ain’t gonna fly much longer.
You have trouble with progress, don’t you? Does miscegenation still bum you out?

Loathing successful people and companies is not "progress". Who do you think employs the masses? Who do you think financially supports charity organizations and programs for the under served? You're the one that will resent a surgeon making $500k a year and say "too much money... not necessary." Then you'll stand around, 10-years from now, with whatever mutilated form of genitalia you possess today, in your hand, and wonder why the quality of physicians has dropped when the academic elite say it's no longer worth the schooling, debt and sacrifice for $150k a year.
QUOTE="messy, post: 289150, member: 3299"

Which of you idiots don’t think D1 basketball and football players
should get paid?

Of course they should.


Universities and such are for higher learning, they were NOT
designed to be a " For Profit " Sports conduit that feeds professional

My suggestion would be to eliminate ALL sports at the University
" and such " Level if this crap goes any further......

You want to play " Professional " Sports and receive a pay check, then
go straight to " Professional " Sports....

Talk about Idiocy ......Holy Crap...
QUOTE="messy, post: 289190, member: 3299"

The shoe fit and you put it on.

Of course they should be paid.

They are the labor around which organizations
(the NCAAA, the particular institution, the TV networks)
build billion-dollar empires.
You stupid Horses Ass.....

How does a coach make $5m and the kid make the price of tuition?
Dumb Da Da Dumb You are....

When his job is to play football or basketball for 40+ hours a week, plus travel?
You love the smell of fecal matter in the morning...don't you....


Bypass schooling and go straight to Professional Sports, as a matter of fact
" Messy " about you start up a ( C ) League just for the
whiny fucks who want to be paid ....meanwhile America will continue
on with the Intellectual Growth that is sadly needed in ALL of the
Universities and such so we can weed out the " Dumbed Down " Idiots
such as yourself.....
Hell, look what you imbeciles accomplished elected a complete
loser who based ALL of his eight years of policies on his oratory skills...
That's right, for eight years we had the " Cadillac Man " sellin his shit
to the dumbed down left ...and YOU fools ate up the shit and praised
him for the corruption and failures he brought this Nation.
We can only Hope that the Current POTUS will expose enough of his
criminal acts and facilitate a radical Change in America for the better...!

By the way....who's Social Security Numbers put him thru school....Hmmm.
QUOTE="The Outlaw, post: 289475, member: 5204"

Loathing successful people and companies is not "progress". Who do you think employs the masses?
Who do you think financially supports charity organizations and programs for the under served?
You're the one that will resent a surgeon making $500k a year and say "too much money... not necessary."
Then you'll stand around, 10-years from now, with whatever mutilated form of genitalia you possess
today, in your hand, and wonder why the quality of physicians has dropped when the academic elite
say it's no longer worth the schooling, debt and sacrifice for $150k a year.


Ooooooow.....that one hurt little " Messy's " " Gruesome Groin " over the Internet....

The Outlaw ripped the bandages off and exposed the Bloody TRUTH !

Now that was a " Mic Drop "......!
