Not right in the head, every last one.

Trans Activist Is Hosting a “Topless,” No Parents Allowed Swimming Event for Girls as Young as Twelve

Posted at 7:34 pm on July 22, 2019 by Brandon Morse

A trans activist in Canada named Jessica Yaniv has been making some waves around the news as of late. He recently made the headlines for filing a lawsuit to the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal against fifteen female aestheticians who refused to give him a Brazilian wax due to their discomfort with handling male genitalia.

According to Ian Miles Cheong at Human Events, Yaniv’s lawsuit against these women for “transphobia” is a hot topic, but according to Cheong, Yaniv’s depravity goes far deeper than forcing lawsuits against innocent women who displeased him.

According to a document uncovered by Cheong, Yaniv filed a request to appear before Langley city council in order to discuss permission to host a swimming event for children as young as 12. Among the topic of discussion is that the girls who attend will be able to go “topless.”

To make this even creepier, Yaniv has also noted that parents and guardians will not be able to attend to the swimming event.

In other words, Yaniv is asking the city of Langley if he can host underage girls at a pool where they will be swimming half nude.

This should be blasted from every mainstream media outlet from Canada to China, however, due to Canada’s overt obedience to social justice, naysaying a transgender person may not only land you a status as a public pariah, but it can land you in legal and financial trouble just like the ladies in the lawsuit above.

In any normal world, this kind of proposition would immediately be dismissed and the person who proposed it possibly investigated. However, in Canada, this is forced down the public’s throat without much recourse. It’s so bad that Yaniv has posted in young women’s bathrooms without any punishments from authorities or even social media platforms whatsoever.

Judging from Yaniv’s reported texting history, this man is clearly delusional and seems very interested in seeing young girls nude.
Library Deletes Photos of Children Fondling Drag Queens During ‘Story Hour’

Mary Altaffer/AP Photo
DR. SUSAN BERRY22 Jul 2019548
A public library has deleted photos of small children lying on top of drag queens and fondling their false breasts at a Drag Queen Story Hour.

Multnomah County Library, the library system serving Portland, Oregon, quietly removed from Flickr the photos of the Drag Queen Story Hour that took place at St. John’s Library and then circulated on Facebook, leading to a backlash.

Young children attended the October event that featured drag queen Anthony Hudson, aka “Carla Rossi.”

LifeSiteNews archived the photos of a laughing Hudson lying on the floor, arms outstretched, as young children buried themselves in his body and fondled him.

“Activist Mommy” Elizabeth Johnston observed the photos were first noticed when a Facebook user posted them along with a statement: “I wouldn’t let my kids crawl on top of random strangers no matter how said strangers are dressed.”

The photos were brought to the attention of LifeSiteNews, which also noted the library had posted additional photos depicting toddlers and young boys dressed in feather boas.

“The goal is to normalize abnormal, sexually deviant homosexual behavior by enticing children to first: question their sexuality,” said pro-family activist Georgia Kijesky, according to the pro-life media outlet. “The more children see men dressing up as women, the more normal it will become.”

The Blaze subsequently reported that Jeremy Graybill, Multnomah County Library’s marketing and online engagement director, said the Drag Queen Story Hour events “explore ideas of difference, diversity and inclusion through stories, music and costume.”

“The library serves a diverse population with a broad range of interests, preferences and needs,” Graybill explained. “We strive to reflect our communities’ needs in selecting programs, books and other materials.”

He said the library’s policies ensure performers “provide a safe, welcoming and inclusive environment for all,” adding:

Presenters and performers are instructed to follow library behavior policies and rules of conduct that protect the interest and safety of presenters, volunteers, staff and library patrons. Parents and caregivers are present at every program.

Concerns about safety at the Drag Queen Story Hour events made headlines recently when pro-family organization Houston Mass Resistance discovered drag queen Alberto Garza, who uses the name Tatiana Mala-Nina when reading to young children, had been convicted in 2008 for sexually assaulting an eight-year-old boy. The Houston library system had failed to perform a background check on Garza or any of the other drag queens appearing in its programs.

The Multnomah County Library’s schedule of events indicatedthe Drag Queen Story Hour’s target audience is “children 2-6 years old with a favorite adult” and is advertised as “kid-friendly drag.”

“The readings will be followed by a craft or dance party,” the library added. “This program encourages kids to look beyond gender stereotypes, and fosters empathy and creativity.”

Writer Libby Emmons observed at the Federalist:

If the photos are innocent, showing inclusion and queer diversity, then why take them down? Even assuming these story hours were concocted with the best intentions, it seems crazy that librarians could be so blind to the reality that drag, as entertaining and culturally campy as it is for adult audiences, is not sex ed but sex entertainment, and not for kids.

Liberty Counsel, a nonprofit litigation organization, observedFriday that the recent national conference of the American Library Association (ALA) provided librarians from across the United States strategies for arranging Drag Queen Story Hours and for bringing LGBT agenda materials into public libraries without parents’ knowledge.

Workshops at the conference, which was held in June and attended by more than 21,000 people, included titles such as:

A Child’s Room to Choose: Encouraging Gender Identity and Expression in School and Public Libraries; LGBTQ+ Creators and Characters in Kids, Tween, and Teen Comics; Reading the Rainbow: Teaching Kids about Pride and LGBTQ+ History; Are You Going to Tell My Parents?: The Minor’s Right to Privacy in the Library; and Telling Stories, Expanding Boundaries: Drag Queen Story Times in Libraries.

Liberty Counsel reported another breakout session on how to promote LGBT-themed children’s literature, emphasizing titles such as My Brother’s Husband, Lumberjanes, and Pregnant Butch.

“Taxpayer-funded public libraries have no business promoting sexual perversion, gender confusion and pornography to children,” said Mat Staver, Liberty Counsel chairman. “Parents do not want their children exposed to this kind of gutter trash. The American Library Association is now actively grooming innocent children for sexual abuse and causing irreversible harm to them.”
See, all you dumb people have to do is believe in science and look what happened to your portfolio between 2010 and 2012.
When and where did he destroy Jim Acosta?

First sentence... from your beloved CNN. Acosta says, "what the President is proposing here does not sound like it's in keeping with American tradition when it comes to immigration. The Statue of Liberty says 'give me your tired, your poor and your huddled masses.' Doesn't say anything about speaking English or being a computer programmer."

Yeah, no shit, Jim, and it also says nothing about promising free healthcare to illegal aliens, at the expense of the American taxpayer, nor disregarding our border enforcement and immigration LAWS in exchange for "get rid of Trump at all costs" votes.

Ass clown.
Another example.
Is there a rule that says if you’re uneducated you’re for Trump?

I have a Bachelors Degree and voted for Trump... primarily because I didn't want the canckled liar that lacked the backbone to leave her husband when he humiliated her for years. We didn't need another 4-years of spineless leadership.
First sentence... from your beloved CNN. Acosta says, "what the President is proposing here does not sound like it's in keeping with American tradition when it comes to immigration. The Statue of Liberty says 'give me your tired, your poor and your huddled masses.' Doesn't say anything about speaking English or being a computer programmer."

Yeah, no shit, Jim, and it also says nothing about promising free healthcare to illegal aliens, at the expense of the American taxpayer, nor disregarding our border enforcement and immigration LAWS in exchange for "get rid of Trump at all costs" votes.

Ass clown.

I agree with you there. Miller is exposed as an ass clown for bringing up lies and strawman arguments in his debate with Acosta and others. Did you notice the people laughing at him?
I have a Bachelors Degree and voted for Trump... primarily because I didn't want the canckled liar that lacked the backbone to leave her husband when he humiliated her for years. We didn't need another 4-years of spineless leadership.
Fair enough.
But instead we got a different kind of spineless leadership, one who plays the victim, acts impulsively, caters to stupidity, doesn’t respect people, lies on a daily basis and is a horrible role model for our children.
But it’s still all about the economy, so he only loses if that turns downward. Shame on us.
First sentence... from your beloved CNN. Acosta says, "what the President is proposing here does not sound like it's in keeping with American tradition when it comes to immigration. The Statue of Liberty says 'give me your tired, your poor and your huddled masses.' Doesn't say anything about speaking English or being a computer programmer."

Yeah, no shit, Jim, and it also says nothing about promising free healthcare to illegal aliens, at the expense of the American taxpayer, nor disregarding our border enforcement and immigration LAWS in exchange for "get rid of Trump at all costs" votes.

Ass clown.
See now you’re an idiot. Everybody who says we let in illegal immigrants “because they vote for Democrats” is a complete idiot.
Dems received more votes in ‘92, ‘96, 2000,2008, 2012 and 2016. That’s why you’re an idiot.
Huh? More job growth, more stock market growth. Reality, dude. Tough for you, huh? Still struggling with those financial issues? These are simple.
Do you get paid by the hour on your job? It’s fine I’m just asking.
Not all of us have collateralized debt masquerading as an asset like you. Lol!
Fair enough.
But instead we got a different kind of spineless leadership, one who plays the victim, acts impulsively, caters to stupidity, doesn’t respect people, lies on a daily basis and is a horrible role model for our children.
But it’s still all about the economy, so he only loses if that turns downward. Shame on us.
Have a tissue messpola.
See now you’re an idiot. Everybody who says we let in illegal immigrants “because they vote for Democrats” is a complete idiot.
Dems received more votes in ‘92, ‘96, 2000,2008, 2012 and 2016. That’s why you’re an idiot.
Ummm... yea. Who did these new immigrants vote for again? The party that promises a bunch of free stuff. Just a guess Sherlock..
See, all you dumb people have to do is believe in science and look what happened to your portfolio between 2010 and 2012.
You mean the lefty science that ignores nature and claims that there is more then two genders? That science?

Did you figure out the correlation between the dumb Obama voters yet? If not, I'll throw you in with all the other liberal morons blindly following your non binary faithless leaders.