So this is the problem. Instead of having a legitimate and useful discussion to bring about change people resort to calling me a "racist hillbilly ass" and attacking my words as "dumb ass shit" real mature and effective.
1. I don't like kneeling for the flag because it is not my view of respect for our country and the freedoms that we do have and the individuals that have fought to make sure the rights of individuals are protected.
2. Everyone has a right to do what they want, kneel, lay down, burn the flag whatever they want. That's the point, it is a free country.
3. My point was and is - if you feel such negativity about the country and you want to protest in this way why are you comfortable putting on a jersey with the same flag and representing this country? That is a disconnect. Use your celebrity and wealth to do something more, after you have gotten people's attention. Once they are done kneeling nothing else is done.
4. Can't really point a finger am me dude- My entire job is around doing something about these issues. In my work, all day long, I am involved in exactly what I am talking about - creating real change to correct discrimination and injustice and increasing access, resources and opportunities for individuals from diverse communities.
5. Try having a real, respectful conversation to create change not personal rude attacks that do nothing but create more hatred and discrimination.