ok so this same thing happened last year when eagles switched to ECNL, everyone thought DA was finished and said EVERY da club would switch. This is the socal soccer forum so why are we discussing how great the competition is outside of socal when you will barely play that club? DA is the most competitive league in socal but nationally I agree not so much. Real colorado leaving DA was a big blow nationally but dalla texans not so much as they are dead last in two age groups and middle of the pack in the others. If the pitch to play ecnl is all the top competition you will play outside of socal, is that even what a player would want? You play really weak competition in league but there is a possibility of you playing a top team in a showcase if both of you go. 80-20 rule. Isn't it better for development if you play tough competition 80% of the time as is the case with DA locally or is it better to play tough competition 20% of the time when you travel to showcases as is the case with ecnl? If a legends, beach, surf, etc go to ecnl...then there is a shift for best league in SOCAL soccer but until that happens I don't see it, especially with blues going all DA. My two cents.