With tryouts about to be in full swing, has anyone heard how EA2 is factored into this MLSN 2 dynamic? I'm hearing speculation from a EA/MLSN that it may be an entirely new level with teams moving from Flight 1 to EA2, EA2 to EA, EA to MLSN 2, etc.
Tryouts are only in full swing for the youngers. High schoolers are still in the freeze.
Wow that would be a nightmare. Here's why. EA is really dominate only in Socal and a handful of other states. In the East, NDL was formed by the MLS Next clubs as a second tier. Reason why is the chief think driving it was the MLS Next team rosters are really big and you have players with different rights (Core players who only play MLS Next, Development player playing with banding, Futures players who can join some games, and Reserve players who can only play MLS Next by being tagged a Guest and otherwise don't play or have to play for a lower team). So as a result many MLS Next teams carry more players than can dress for any game. So they formed NDL so they can move players up and down a little more freely. EA has grown a lot in SoCal and some clubs are MLS Next clubs and some aren't.
At the older levels (because the best players are picked off to play MLS Next) with the exception of clubs with a deep bench (like Strikers), it gets difficult for the MLS Next Club to field a competitive team (because players would rather sit on the bench and not play or dress as reserve players than play for the EA team for fear of being permanently sent down and some might be hoping against hope to get the last minute call so don't want to lose their eligibility for the weekend by playing down in EA). As a result, for clubs that have an MLS Next Team (again certain clubs like Strikers excepted) they can have an irregular performing EA team because results depend on who shows up any particular game. That means clubs in regions which do not have MLS Next but are good at recruiting (like SoCal Elite or Albion in Bakersfield) can have good results. So the MLS Next clubs won't want to assign based on merit because that would work to the benefit of those outliers (like SoCal Elite) and that would force them to move some decent players down in order to keep a performing squad. It loses them the control for why they are doing this.
So the politics of this are breaking up EA makes sense from a competition point of view (less lopsided scores with a handful of teams dominating the bracket). But it doesn't accomplish what the MLS Next Teams formed NDL for which is to gain more control over what happens to their futures, banded and reserve players. Then there are some regions like Norcal which are already off and running with an MLS 2. Wow that's a mess.
The potential here for lots of players (including MLS Next players except for the top 11 starters including lead GK at MLS Next teams), to really get F over here if this particular rumor is true. No number 18 on the MLS roster or reserve GK, you are going down to MLS2. No No. 9 gifted striker on the EA team, you are now playing for the 3rd team. Here's the thing too....at the older ages, as the Laufa blow up shows, unless you're strikers, it's really really hard on the boys side to keep more than an a and b team going. The cs are not going to sit around because they have no hope to play for the a and are even not on the b. They'll either quit or go elsewhere rather than play on the 3rd letter league team for a club.
You can either have the flexibility to move players up and down, or you can have your rigid tiers based on performance. You can't have both, particularly if you let in indies into the mix.