US Soccer, Cal South has allowed clubs to operate unchecked and with impunity for decades. With the creation of DA, US Soccer effectively passed on having any real structure of management and gave the individual clubs free reign to do as they please. The only caveat being they follow the mandated rules, like Powerade coolers and what else dd’s Can’t do. This Eagles thing is the beginning of what I believe is a new day for US girls soccer. Clubs using the allure of DA and it’s power of exclusiveness, supposed access to high level college, and national team training as a means to extort money from families. We will see increases in non refundable deposits for DA tryouts, fees and contracts to hold hostage players, increase in DA and non DA club fees disguised as “operating costs”, increase in team “fundraising events”, increase in uniform fees, increase in fees for club mandated strength training and fitness, increases is fees for athletic training medical services, and non disclosure agreements and code of conduct clauses with player punishment built in, etc. DA is designed to control the source of money and funnel it into US Soccers coffers. Only 1 college ID camp per year pending approval and only in offseason. Why? Because it’s strengthens the power of DA and the club if they are the only manner to get to a college. Clubs work in unison rather than in opposition to each other in order to create a geographic monopoly over families to raise their bottom line and increase clubs financial power to recruit coaches exert influence and increase DOC pay. I don’t blame any parent for signing that document. What was their choice? Where would your DD go? It was a dick move by a club that knew parents would sign it. I’d actually not be surprised that the clubs closest to Eagles will be doing the same thing soon. One actually already does. Each time we as parents sign away anything even the most benign document we lessen our power as consumers and inturn embolden these clubs to further erode youth soccer. Furthermore these instances also have the secondary effect of taking parents attention off of soccer and player development, how coaches coach, is the club helping my DD, and refocus our attention to off the field lunancy.