The girls get there an hour before gametime and start to warm-up about 40-45 minutes before a game unless they already had a game that day or if it is extremely hot. And I actually like them taking the responsibility to get together and do the first part of warm-up by themselves. If you think there is no teaching going on, then you aren't paying close enough attention or simply want to hate. While they do have to run to another game sometimes, it is not uncommon for these coaches to spend 15-20-30 minutes after each game talking about the game, what the girls did well, what they did poorly and what they should be thinking about for the next game. Trust me, I have had to wait around for them to get done when I wanted to get somewhere else. It is also not uncommon for the coaches to give 1 or 2 very specific directions before a game about what they want to see the girls execute and then coach them on those specific points during and after the game. All of my comments are not opinion, these are facts that I see all the time from both coaches. I would also suggest that if you are only spending the time immediately before a match preparing for it, you probably aren't very prepared. Preparation also comes from practice and these girls work their butts off during practice.