List of crazy things Trump supporters believe to be true.

I heard a rumor ((theory)) that British Airway Pilots are getting sick and some have even died. 80% Vaxed, four deaths ((blood clot theory?) and people are freaking out. One guy was in so much pain he got reassign to the control towers.
I forgot to add that my best pal, who got two jabs, is now sick with Delta ((flu really)). Please pray for him Espola. His name is Greg. His wife is 61 and she has been sick with the flu A and B for months. She too got two jabs for free. What is in the jab? Please share your theory because no one really knows except Dr. F, Bill and the others.
Speaking of crazy things, how did Mike Lindell's pillow party turn out?
I heard he got punched in the stomach last night. Today, he got slapped hard with a $1.3 Billion lawsuit by the election contractors. I also hear two web dudes got threaten with some serious threats. Besides that, looks like the audit is scaring some people.
For those of you that claim racism is gone or the construct of leftist to pin on conservatives.

… is from page 43 of Thomas Sowell’s 2018 book Discrimination and Disparities:

As a personal note, the first time I encountered a white professor at a white university with a black secretary, it was Milton Friedman at the University of Chicago in 1960 – four years before the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Espola, Rat Patrol ... you know. The guys that laughed when it was suggested that weakness men would be jumping into women's college sports and dominating. Well, you guys ( at least E is a dude not sure about Sunshine) sure are quite now.
Espola, Rat Patrol ... you know. The guys that laughed when it was suggested that weakness men would be jumping into women's college sports and dominating. Well, you guys ( at least E is a dude not sure about Sunshine) sure are quite now.

After being silent for so long, you jump back in with a lie? Here is what I have actually said on the matter -- "I think that trans women should not compete in what were formerly known as women's sports ".

After being silent for so long, you jump back in with a lie? Here is what I have actually said on the matter -- "I think that trans women should not compete in what were formerly known as women's sports ".

Lying comes easy to those that have been lying to themselves all their lives.
Lying comes easy to those that have been lying to themselves all their lives.

That's funny Ratboy. Hey.. how's your cycling coming along? Hit up Potato Mountain or GMR lately, you know, like you claimed to have done. Drunk and stupid.. at least Ol Joe isn't a drunk.
After being silent for so long, you jump back in with a lie? Here is what I have actually said on the matter -- "I think that trans women should not compete in what were formerly known as women's sports ".

Sure thing E.. but " formerly known as women's sports"? So their not women's sports anymore? Good to know..

Here's something else you and Ratboy can mull over..
The latest social media fracas began after The Christian Post published a March 15 tweet that read, “USA Today names Rachel Levine, a man, among its ‘Women of the Year.'” The tweet linked out to the aforementioned story.

Twitter reportedly reached out to The Christian Post Sunday and accused the outlet of violating its prohibitions against “hateful conduct.”