This is what US Club Soccer has said about traveling to other states. They indicate that they still need to follow the rules of your local health department. It also indicates that insurance may not be in effect for clubs that travel to other states to play if it conflicts with their local and state rules. The real question is to be answered is whether or not a club that allows their teams to travel to another state to take advantage of lower requirements is acting responsibly. In addition, if the participants and their families return to the club for training after the tournament, is the club acting responsibly by allowing them to participate in training, knowing that they acted in conflict with the local rules. Will the clubs require the teams to stay away for 14 days in order to protect other members? There's so much conflicting information out there it's hard to tell, but it seems reasonable that local health departments could take some sort of action if they are aware that teams did not act in accordance with their rules.
Q: For an activity that takes place in a different municipality or state than the member/member organization resides or is based, which local and state public health requirements and orders are applicable?
Members/member organizations are responsible to ensure they understand and comply with the requirements and orders of local and state public health authorities applicable to their activities. This means that a member/member organization must comply with the rules and orders of the locality(ies) and state(s): (1) in which the member/member organization resides/is based; (2) where the activity is held; and (3) through which the member may travel while the member is in that locality or state.
Q: What if the applicable local and state public health authorities have conflicting requirements/orders?
In this situation, US Club Soccer encourages members to consult with their local and state public health authorities and legal counsel.
We recognize that does not answer the specific question of whether an activity is sanctioned by US Club Soccer and therefore covered by US Club Soccer-provided insurance. However, given the unique circumstances of each claim and the particular issues that may exist between local and state authorities, our insurance provider cannot provide a blanket determination. Our understanding after discussions with US Club Soccer’s insurance provider is that the insurance provider would take into consideration whether the member/member organization acted reasonably in such a situation.
US Soccer doesn’t have your kids best interest at heart; they have zero idea the mental state of each individual child. Just ignore this garbage.