Thank you for that. Yes, I'm looking at exposure based on the big club names. Slammers had a great reputation, but a bit far for us. We are in San Gabriel Valley area.
As you already know, there is an inherent advantage to being part of the "big" clubs that have DA, ECNL, NPL, and CRL teams that you are missing with the smaller clubs which means options for top level players. Mid to lower level players will gain no advantage, as well as players already playing on the top teams. Whether its Legends, Arsenal, Slammer, Strikers, etc., the DOCs in these clubs are always looking to take their top players and move them to the higher level teams. My experience is with Arsenal where their DA and ECNL teams are made up of players from all over the region, many of whom came from lower level Arsenal teams. With the larger clubs, the better kids have many opportunities to be "club passed" between teams within the club.
That said, you have to be careful with the coach because every small and large club has coaches that don't play ball and attempt to hoard their better players and not recommend those players move up to the higher level teams. Those players are money to them (fees and winning, which brings in more fees). You have to watch out for these coaches.