Is Surf Cup Happening For Older's This Year????

Is Surf Cup College still on for TGiving? It's still listed as a go and I know teams still thinking they are going. With the recruiting deadline pushed, I wonder how that'll work?
Is Surf Cup College still on for TGiving? It's still listed as a go and I know teams still thinking they are going. With the recruiting deadline pushed, I wonder how that'll work?
I think it's possible, even though unlikely. But if it will, it will be a very small overpriced local tourney with no College coaches in attendance.
One thing I know, if I would take a team to a tournament right now, I would choose to go to AZ or UT or somewhere else, pay less, drive more, but at least know we will get games played.
Our team is going to AZ for torment to and so are other NorCal teams. Who knows when CA will open for games. Likely not until spring.
Wow. While I agree with this action-- having coaches jumping onto planes, putting themselves and their programs at risk, etc is just a bad idea all around-- I still wonder what's going to happen with all of those high school seniors out there who will need to fall back on their stats from their junior year, where maybe they didn't play every game or they weren't on the first team, and so on. You would assume it nets out because the college seniors are still going to graduate and open up spots, but wow.

If you have a kid who is a senior in high school, crack the books like crazy. Going a sports

The 03's have really had a rough time. At least they have three years of academics to fall on. Good luck to all of them!