Impeachment Hearings

If someone were to be the subject of a mob-style hit because the killer thinks he is helping t's defense, the first logical candidate would be Rudy. He just can't keep his mouth shut.
Two Senators (Chuck and Lindsey) have already admitted that they are not going to obey the impeachment trial oath they haven't even taken yet.
Let me put this in stark capitalist terms - if the CEO of a large corporation engages in self-dealing, berates his critics with obviouslies, and refuses to answer questions from or provide documents to the corporation's Board of Directors, what should the BOD do?
e already knows he's just afraid to come out of his rabbit hole.

Does this mean you don't have a source? Or the source doesn't say what you claimed? Or you are embarrassed to reveal what sources you trust?

The last I heard, almost all the Republicans in the House and 2 Democrats have stated they are voting against any kind of impeachment bill, and about 80% of the Democrats and the 1 Independent have stated they are voting for it - the rest, about 50, are still undecided. Neither side of the declared votes is a majority yet.

Is that what you meant by "bipartisan support"? Or does your so-far-invisible source say differently?
Judge schedules Michael Flynn's sentencing for Jan. 28

A federal judge has set President Trump's first national security adviser Michael Flynn's sentencing for Jan. 28, dismissing allegations by his defense attorneys that he was entrapped by prosecutors into accepting a plea deal.

The big picture: Flynn, who pleaded guilty in December 2017 to lying to FBI agents about his interactions with the Russian ambassador, was the first Trump associate to face charges in the Mueller investigation but among the last to be sentenced. The judge rejected a motion by Flynn's lawyers to hold prosecutors in contempt for failing to turn over evidence that they claimed would lead to the dismissal of his charges, rebuking his lawyers in one instance for plagiarizing in a court filing.
Does this mean you don't have a source? Or the source doesn't say what you claimed? Or you are embarrassed to reveal what sources you trust?

The last I heard, almost all the Republicans in the House and 2 Democrats have stated they are voting against any kind of impeachment bill, and about 80% of the Democrats and the 1 Independent have stated they are voting for it - the rest, about 50, are still undecided. Neither side of the declared votes is a majority yet.

Is that what you meant by "bipartisan support"? Or does your so-far-invisible source say differently?
What is the definition of bipartisan?

I'll wait. I know it's a long climb out of your rabbit hole...
Look it up lying loser....YOU KNOW WHAT HE STATED IS TRUE....!
I believe we are seeing the beginning of the end for e... the old guy is obviously senile. His recollection and ability to put cognitive thoughts on a post are all but gone. He is still trying to find a post where he claims I asked his opinion about Cops and Starbucks but I never did... so sad.
Let me put this in stark capitalist terms - if the CEO of a large corporation engages in self-dealing, berates his critics with obviouslies, and refuses to answer questions from or provide documents to the corporation's Board of Directors, what should the BOD do?
Re-elect him of course.
If someone were to be the subject of a mob-style hit because the killer thinks he is helping t's defense, the first logical candidate would be Rudy. He just can't keep his mouth shut.

What are YOU advocating ......a JFK style hit ??????????????

I'll put a bet out there that YOU are just as miserable in REAL life as
your posts portray you on this forum.....

WTF is wrong with you.....
Call records show Devin Nunes in contact with indicted Giuliani associate

Call records included in an impeachment report released by House Democrats Tuesday show that House Intelligence Ranking Member Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) had a number of contacts in April with Rudy Giuliani and Lev Parnas, an associate of Giuliani's who has since been indicted for campaign finance violations.
Why it matters: The call records constitute some of the only new revelations from the report, which mostly relies on witness testimony that has been released to the public.
The big picture: The April contacts came in the midst of a smear campaign against former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch, which was led by Giuliani, Parnas and John Solomon, a Trump-friendly journalist who formerly wrote for The Hill.
Giuliani associate Lev Parnas lied to feds, should be jailed pending trial, prosecutors say
The foreign-born man, along with Igor Fruman, was charged with making $325,000 in illegal straw donations to a Trump super PAC.

Parnas and another Giuliani associate, Igor Fruman, were carrying one-way tickets to Vienna when they were arrested at Dulles Airport outside of Washington, D.C., on Oct. 9.

The foreign-born Florida men were charged with making $325,000 in illegal straw donations to a Trump super PAC, as well as giving $15,000 to a second committee among a flurry of political donations intended to help them advance the interests of a Ukrainian government official and a Russian national seeking to break into the cannabis industry.

Prosecutors say Parnas and Fruman engaged in a scheme with a Ukrainian official, identified by NBC News as former chief prosecutor Yuriy Lutsenko, to oust the then-U.S. ambassador in Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch. Her ouster — which Giuliani had also advocated for — is one of the subjects of the Democrats' impeachment inquiry.
Rick Gates, key witness in Russia investigation, sentenced to 45 days in jail

Former Trump campaign aide Rick Gates was sentenced Tuesday to 45 days in jail, a departure from a probation sentence that prosecutors said he deserved in exchange for being a key witness in the Russia investigation.

U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson said the jail sentence would be intermittent, with Gates spending weekends behind bars. Gates will be on probation for three years, must pay $20,000 in fines and must do 300 hours of community service.

Other former Trump associates who were indicted as part of the Mueller probe are former national security adviser Michael Flynn, former campaign aide George Papadopoulos, and former personal attorney Michael Cohen.

Flynn pleaded guilty in 2017 to making false statements to the FBI about his contacts with a former Russian ambassador. He is scheduled to be sentenced in January after a judge rejected his claim that prosecutors forced him to admit to crimes he didn't commit.

Papadopoulos, who also pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his Russian contacts, served two weeks in prison.

Cohen is serving a three-year prison sentence after pleading guilty to campaign finance violations and other crimes.
Top Trump Organization deputy is target of DA’s Stormy Daniels investigation: report

The Manhattan DA’s office, which is looking into the real estate empire founded by President Trump, is focusing on Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg, according to ProPublica.

Weisselberg is being investigated for allegedly hiding the hush-money payments, according to ProPublica. Cohen, in testimony to Congress, said he, at Trump’s direction, strategized with Weisselberg in October 2016 about how to fund the $130,000 payment to Daniels.

Weisselberg and Donald Trump Jr. signed two of the monthly checks for Cohen. Trump signed six others.
What are YOU advocating ......a JFK style hit ??????????????

I'll put a bet out there that YOU are just as miserable in REAL life as
your posts portray you on this forum.....

WTF is wrong with you.....
e is busy looking up definitions and can't be bothered today.
When you tell lies about a person, that person knows with certainty that you are a liar.
So you're not looking up definitions today? Sorry, my mistake. I guess you'll be doing that tomorrow. Oh, and add the words ironic and disingenuous to the list of definitions you need to look up. If you need help all you have to do is ask.