IE Surf now Legends IE??

Youth soccer clubs are getting "walmarted"

I think the "walmarted" observation is pretty spot on. A smaller club is like the mom and pop store. They may have great products and great service, but its hard to compete with the huge distribution and advertisement network of the "Walmart". So Walmart says, you can use our name, and resources, you just have to pay for the uniforms. If the mom and pop is a self sufficient entity with its own board, fields, and infrastructure, the "Walmart" has a new source of income for basically doing nothing. The mom and pop are smart enough to know they are just paying for a name, but if this is what sells their product, (in this case, kids getting more exposure and college interest), then maybe its a good business decision. But, if at some point Walmart gets greedy and the cost of using their infrastructure outweighs the benefits, change could be in the works. Because here comes Target, or Costco, and they offer the same benefits with less cost and less attitude, why wouldn't mom and pop at least consider their options? And of course when mom and pop decide to go with another brand, "Walmart" is going to say, "mom and pop" weren't doing well so we were going to drop them anyway.
Or when Wal-Mart has influence over the suppliers (Ie -league) and joining them means it’s not quite as challenging to get your teams to play where you’d like them (meaning- location, flight or even league)
Or when Wal-Mart has influence over the suppliers (Ie -league) and joining them means it’s not quite as challenging to get your teams to play where you’d like them (meaning- location, flight or even league)

Not much influence when only affiliation is the color of the shirt, different to say OC Surf who have GDA. Them and obviously SD Surf are the only two where there's influence/connections.
If you knew why did you ask me? I was told today by a friend at SD Surf who'd have zero reason to lie but perhaps they're wrong. Who's your source? Legends and IE would certainly want to spin it.
I didn’t say I knew, I said that wasn’t what I heard. I didn’t voice what I heard/my opinion prior to you answering because I wanted to hear what you had to say. I was told by a friend close to a board member (yes I know, 3rd hand but also no reason to lie) ie’s contract was up and surf sent a new one. IE was not happy with it and chose to entertain other clubs who were on the doorstep. Legends had the most upside so that’s where they went. I don’t know why legends or IE would care about spinning it, they both seem excited about what happened and the future.
If Surf is being picky with their affiliates, why is Surf still connected to SGV Surf? Maybe it was a mutual decision, IMO being affiliated with Legends is a win-win.
I didn’t say I knew, I said that wasn’t what I heard. I didn’t voice what I heard/my opinion prior to you answering because I wanted to hear what you had to say. I was told by a friend close to a board member (yes I know, 3rd hand but also no reason to lie) ie’s contract was up and surf sent a new one. IE was not happy with it and chose to entertain other clubs who were on the doorstep. Legends had the most upside so that’s where they went. I don’t know why legends or IE would care about spinning it, they both seem excited about what happened and the future.

Interesting way to do it, but ok. Your source may well be correct, but what is pretty clear is Surf saw their move to the IE was not working out on exactly as they'd hoped on the field re maximizing the brand (success = more $). Obviously that can be said even more strongly for SGV.

Genuinely curious what is the upside of Legends? I ask this sincerely as I'm not seeing what any clubs get out of affiliation (be it Surf, Legends, Slammers) when they remain closed out of ECNL and GDA. Seems they are paying for nothing.
Off topic:
I am getting Amazon ads for "Now That's What I Call Legends" by "Various Artists" next to 2 adds for cheapo cleats.

Seemed apropos to me...
Curious did parent(s) or the membership get a vote/ say at the board meeting or when this came up? Or was it mandated behind closed doors?

Teams switch clubs every year it seems, mostly following coaches or to get away from one but clubs switching or dropping afflications don't seem as common until recently.

As these afflications just short term deals like 1-2 years ? as some have indicated. Curious to see the details, the press releases don't seem to cover this and the parent customers are kind of out in the dark unless they ask? Besides the obvious $ consideration of these deals what are the other cirteria to know if there succeeding or not according to the terms?
Interesting way to do it, but ok. Your source may well be correct, but what is pretty clear is Surf saw their move to the IE was not working out on exactly as they'd hoped on the field re maximizing the brand (success = more $). Obviously that can be said even more strongly for SGV.

Genuinely curious what is the upside of Legends? I ask this sincerely as I'm not seeing what any clubs get out of affiliation (be it Surf, Legends, Slammers) when they remain closed out of ECNL and GDA. Seems they are paying for nothing.
Sorry if it seemed like I was holding out on you there, I wanted to get your honest opinion without throwing mine out there and seeming adversarial. But you bring up a good point, I don’t know what Surf considers a successful affiliate for them to continue taking that affiliates money. Your second question is on point as well. I know several of IE’s more highly ranked teams had petitions in to play ECNL. When San Diego dropped ECNL, those petitions were immediately denied for IE. I think the hope with legends is those teams from i.e. that have shown they can compete with ECNL team’s will find a way in.
Genuinely curious what is the upside of Legends? I ask this sincerely as I'm not seeing what any clubs get out of affiliation (be it Surf, Legends, Slammers) when they remain closed out of ECNL and GDA. Seems they are paying for nothing.

I don’t have skin in this game, but I would assume the advantage of Legends would be the affiliation with GDA and Boy’s ECNL that is far more geographically desirable than their previous affiliation.
Giant news coming of the mega merger announcing the SlammaStrikaSurfaPataGalaxy! Just working out details of how to put that on a shirt.
Giant news coming of the mega merger announcing the SlammaStrikaSurfaPataGalaxy! Just working out details of how to put that on a shirt.
Never happen. Too much ego and ill will amongst those at the top of each club for them to ever consider it. (I know you weren’t being serious)