Do you feel better, I know I don't have the means or ability to change decades of built-in mediocrity, but thanks for pointing that out, besides I'll be rooting for Argentina and Spain.
Do you have a plan to accomplish any one of these ideas? Let's review: 1."Breaking the pay mentality..." Who's going to pay for coaches, field rentals, uniforms, league game fields, travel, on and on....
2. "Start building more fields"... Who's going to build these fields? How will they buy the land? Pay for the construction? manage the fields? Some benevolent soccer God is going to do all of this?
3. "Convincing young players..." Parents tell most kids what to do, and where to sign up, parents are also 99% responsible for who they play for, the basic knowledge they attain while young,. So in other words clueless parents, are going to "convince" their children of something? And who's going to pay a qualified coach without a payment plan in place?
4. There's no $ in soccer in the US for any ethnicity. High dollar contracts are going to foreign players. Every professional sport in the US pays SIGNIFICANTLY more than all US soccer leagues.
5. This is the only point that makes any sense.
Pipe dreams, rainbows and unicorn wishes wont change anything, and it's easy to point out problems. Finding solutions are the hard part of any real world endeavor.