I was referring to lafalafa’s sad emoji on my post.Your pointing out your complete lack of awareness or understanding to how message boards work and how kids interact with one another.
Since I like charity cases I will indulging on this one. Blowing up does not mean what your foaming at the mouth about...nor did I say coaches where calling my player out of the blue, making your own story up as you go.
kids message each other a lot, and my players been in the mix with his various groups & friends taking about this or that, soccer teams are a hotter topic this week. A few coaches contacted him via text referrals, that's it and your going crazy about nothing.
So your son’s phone blowing up mostly from coaches he’s so so familiar with means what you just tried to back track to. My bad. Still don’t believe you. Coaches don’t contact minors directly initially. if they do they might not have a job for too much longer.