I know how to remove the so-called offensive thread title.
He just asked, and its not an unreasonable request.
There was a time not long ago that people refrained from the kind of debauchery seen daily on this forum nowadays.
ps. How's the stick figure family doing?
Hope no longer is the keeper for the USWNT, just saying.
I like the cut of this cat’s jib.If she was still on the squad, we could nickname her "French Dip"
How about husker flaps?Wasn't aware...Imagine that.
Still degrading....and Still reflects on the CURRENT Team.....
No, I was referring to your dietary and personal health diatribes in the "neighborhood" thread, sherlock.The kind of debauchery practiced by the t family? Is that what you were referring to?
She's French?If she was still on the squad, we could nickname her "French Dip"
No, I was referring to your dietary and personal health diatribes in the "neighborhood" thread, sherlock.
Its like a documentary on someone else's colonoscopy, with daily updates.
But you can't stay away, right?
I may have over sold the thread a little.But you can't stay away, right?