Yeah, I have figured out that soccer is 12 months, but luckily my son's soccer team is working with us during his flag football season. Similarly, they worked with us when we were in hockey season, even when we had to miss games. I guess solid goalkeepers are hard to come by out here in the IE? (no, we're not in Canada, ha, my kid just fell in love with a crazy winter sport) I looked into AYSO Extra, but they said they wanted a 12 month commitment, and we're not ready to make that kind of commitment. Our current team also wants a 12 month commitment (I guess 12 month contracts are normal?), but if they want my boy, they have to work with us on the other sports. It helps that we are not on the top team, and don't want to be there. He hasn't even been playing soccer for a year yet, so I know he's got so much to learn, especially as a goalie. It's so very technical! He's committed to it, though, so I was trying to have him take private goalkeeper lessons on top of the once a week that the club was providing.
We just finished up a hockey season with a team where you were expected to be on the ice 5-6 times a week, play 12 months, and regularly travel out of state for tournaments and exhibitions. We figured out pretty quickly that (a) we can't afford this and (b) it's just not what my son wants. He wants to play a lot of sports, and to the extent that means he won't ever be on a championship team, that's fine. I'm just hoping that soccer will be more flexible, although I know the pressure will be on soon to specialize and give everything else up.