Besides refereeing I also do distance running, 15K to marathon. When I was 49 (couple years ago) I started hitting "the wall" and/or getting severe calf cramps around mile 12-15 or on my third 70-90 minute soccer game of the day especially on hot days (90+ degrees), so I went to a sports nutritionist for advice. What I discovered was my hydration level was far too low and my nutrition intake was wrong leading up to the event/weekend. I have followed a pre-marathon guide (below minus the part about hitting The Wall) that was given to me by the nutritionist and it works for both long runs and soccer. My daughter followed a similar guide that was provided to her by her college coach and I will post it in another post. Both guides are similar and work well for a long hot or cold soccer weekend. Monitoring your urine color is an easy way to tell if you are properly hydrated and staying hydrated during a weekend of running.
Nutrition and hydration for races - 12miles to marathon
The week before:
Training needs to be reduced both in intensity and distance. This will allow the body to store more fuel providing you maintain your normal diet. Try to sleep well, relax with a book, film or something that will take your mind off the race. A week of worrying about it will not help one bit. Carbo-load, increase intake to a premium 65 to 70% of total calories, so someone eating 3000 calories daily should be looking to find approximately 2100 calories (525 grams) of them from carbohydrate sources. Maintain an intake of protein with the carbohydrate as this has been shown to increase absorption of glycogen - white and red meat, fish, cereals and pulses are a good source of protein. (Glycogen is the body's store of carbohydrate (and water) - kept in the muscles and liver.) Do not experiment with new foods, or heavily spiced foods before you start.
Fluid intake needs to be at a premium as water is needed for glycogen storage. Avoid alcohol and caffeine drinks as these can have a dehydrating effect on you. You are well hydrated if your urine is clear and you need to go frequently. If the race will be run in hot conditions, consider using a fluid replacement drink during the week to ensure that your electrolytes are balanced before you start. Avoid alcohol and caffeine drinks as these can have a dehydrating effect on you
Race day
Get up at least two hours before the start of the race. Eat a high carbohydrate snack of approximately 300 calories. You may need more or less depending on your metabolism and you should have checked this out on your long training runs. Drink at least one water bottle (750 ml). Avoid of caffeine. The caffeine can also have a diuretic effect which is not helpful at this stage.
During the race
Start drinking water from the first water station. Continue at each one to take a cup and drink a little. If the weather is hot or you are running very hard you will need more. Remember each mouthful is about 25 ml. I suggest taking in 800-1000 ml every hour on a moderate intensity run and inclement weather, so work out how many stations you will go through in an hour and take enough sips per station. If the weather is hot and the pace fast, increase this amount.
Look to take in energy each 30 minutes. If energy drinks are being supplied on the course find out the concentration before-hand. If it is higher than 6 to 8% then take additional water with it to aid absorption. Avoid taking in too much solid food if you are running very hard because it will be very hard to digest and can cause stomach upsets. If you are racing up to 3.5 hours you could use gels/squeezies for energy - plan to take one every 40 minutes before an aid station and take a cup of water with it. Stick religiously to a plan of hydrating and fueling. This is essential to a good race, and you will be wasting all your training if you mess your fluid intake up on race day - guaranteed to make you miserable.
If the run will take you over 3.5 hours and you are running more aerobically then you may be able to tolerate some solid food. Eat once an hour, alternating with a sports drink. You should be looking to consume 200 to 300 calories an hour.
After the race
Re-hydrate. This is a priority and you should immediately start taking in water and a sports drink. I would choose one specifically for post event that also contains carbohydrates. If you are feeling light headed, dizzy, disorientated and/or overheated you are dehydrated and probably glycogen depleted. You will start to feel better once you can ingest some energy, preferably in the form of carbohydrate with a bit of protein. Consider something salty such as a bag of crisps, sports drink or sprinkle a little salt onto a sandwich such as tuna, cheese, peanut butter etc.
Avoid alcohol until much later after the race so that your body can recover correctly. A long distance race such as marathon is exhausting both physically and mentally and you need to thank your body by giving it what it wants - glycogen (from carbohydrate) and water. Continue to snack throughout the few hours after the race eating about 50g (200 calories) of carbohydrate a time. It can take up to a week or more before you feel right - during this time no heavy training should be undertaken. Everything needs to recover, so a high carbohydrate intake and maintaining good protein levels is a must during recovery.
Nutrition and hydration for races - 12miles to marathon
The week before:
Training needs to be reduced both in intensity and distance. This will allow the body to store more fuel providing you maintain your normal diet. Try to sleep well, relax with a book, film or something that will take your mind off the race. A week of worrying about it will not help one bit. Carbo-load, increase intake to a premium 65 to 70% of total calories, so someone eating 3000 calories daily should be looking to find approximately 2100 calories (525 grams) of them from carbohydrate sources. Maintain an intake of protein with the carbohydrate as this has been shown to increase absorption of glycogen - white and red meat, fish, cereals and pulses are a good source of protein. (Glycogen is the body's store of carbohydrate (and water) - kept in the muscles and liver.) Do not experiment with new foods, or heavily spiced foods before you start.
Fluid intake needs to be at a premium as water is needed for glycogen storage. Avoid alcohol and caffeine drinks as these can have a dehydrating effect on you. You are well hydrated if your urine is clear and you need to go frequently. If the race will be run in hot conditions, consider using a fluid replacement drink during the week to ensure that your electrolytes are balanced before you start. Avoid alcohol and caffeine drinks as these can have a dehydrating effect on you
Race day
Get up at least two hours before the start of the race. Eat a high carbohydrate snack of approximately 300 calories. You may need more or less depending on your metabolism and you should have checked this out on your long training runs. Drink at least one water bottle (750 ml). Avoid of caffeine. The caffeine can also have a diuretic effect which is not helpful at this stage.
During the race
Start drinking water from the first water station. Continue at each one to take a cup and drink a little. If the weather is hot or you are running very hard you will need more. Remember each mouthful is about 25 ml. I suggest taking in 800-1000 ml every hour on a moderate intensity run and inclement weather, so work out how many stations you will go through in an hour and take enough sips per station. If the weather is hot and the pace fast, increase this amount.
Look to take in energy each 30 minutes. If energy drinks are being supplied on the course find out the concentration before-hand. If it is higher than 6 to 8% then take additional water with it to aid absorption. Avoid taking in too much solid food if you are running very hard because it will be very hard to digest and can cause stomach upsets. If you are racing up to 3.5 hours you could use gels/squeezies for energy - plan to take one every 40 minutes before an aid station and take a cup of water with it. Stick religiously to a plan of hydrating and fueling. This is essential to a good race, and you will be wasting all your training if you mess your fluid intake up on race day - guaranteed to make you miserable.
If the run will take you over 3.5 hours and you are running more aerobically then you may be able to tolerate some solid food. Eat once an hour, alternating with a sports drink. You should be looking to consume 200 to 300 calories an hour.
After the race
Re-hydrate. This is a priority and you should immediately start taking in water and a sports drink. I would choose one specifically for post event that also contains carbohydrates. If you are feeling light headed, dizzy, disorientated and/or overheated you are dehydrated and probably glycogen depleted. You will start to feel better once you can ingest some energy, preferably in the form of carbohydrate with a bit of protein. Consider something salty such as a bag of crisps, sports drink or sprinkle a little salt onto a sandwich such as tuna, cheese, peanut butter etc.
Avoid alcohol until much later after the race so that your body can recover correctly. A long distance race such as marathon is exhausting both physically and mentally and you need to thank your body by giving it what it wants - glycogen (from carbohydrate) and water. Continue to snack throughout the few hours after the race eating about 50g (200 calories) of carbohydrate a time. It can take up to a week or more before you feel right - during this time no heavy training should be undertaken. Everything needs to recover, so a high carbohydrate intake and maintaining good protein levels is a must during recovery.