Tech, I remember my dd first invite to GOAT FC. "Hey bro, me and some of the dads get our goats together and form a team. No positions and just play for fun and the best part, no coaches." He said girls will figure it all out and make a team organically. I said sign me up. Sounds easy, right? Nope, now I had to get freaking permission for my dd to be allowed to be borrowed by the GOAT FC team for one lousy weekend out of 52. It was at this time I realized how some of these soccee families operate. BTW Tech, I told club doc what we were doing and he was cool. TM, I won't go Then, I'm told to wear green and paint my face green. We show up and I get these gnarly mama bears sneering at me and my wife. One lady said, "Way to be classy sir. What's in the cup?