Two questions.
1) Are you saying to have my kid wear the gloves and wash their hands to get the dirt out? Wouldn't that be rubbing more dirt/the gloves together thus creating wear on the palms from the dirt/friction? I fill the sink up with enough warm soapy water to submerge the gloves. I then drizzle some soap along each finger and the palm and pinch/knead the dirt out. Wash the backs and wrist wraps using just the soapy water since those are easy to clean. Pick the grass and turf blades out of the velcro. Rinse them with warm water. SQUEEZE..don't twist/wring the water out. That creates undo stress on the latex and leads to premature wear too. Stuff them with paper towels to soak up the moisture. After a few hours I take the paper towels out and let them air dry. Hook them back to the carabiner on her bag and she's good to go.
2) Are you saying to store them damp in a glove bag? Wouldn't that promote bacteria and mold to grow since you are storing a damp glove that is no longer a brand new nice and clean glove in a closed bag?
She has the glove bag but rarely uses it. Only gets her game gloves out of her soccer storage gear rack in her closet as needed. Otherwise her practice gloves are always hooked to the outside of her bag.
I ask this since you're a coach and possibly have more insight and experience on something I'm not seeing. Thanks!!
Side note: To all those talking about the horrific smell from GK gloves..I usually wash them every 3-5 uses depending how dirty they look. The dirtier the glove the faster it wears. Smelly gloves are something I know nothing about!!
Haha lol