Girls Highschool Soccer

The coach is just a sore loser. The referees were not good, but they spread the bad calls out evenly. Bad refs are part of highschool soccer. The fans and coach could not see the out of bounds ball from where we were. The ref was in the correct location and raised the flag before the ball even got headed. The Casteel goal was off a horrible call just outside the box. It should have been a no call or a penalty on the Casteel player. The Xavier girl had inside position and got hit from behind. They both went down and the ref called the penalty on Xavier. The calls were evenly spread, no one was given an advantage. Xavier controlled the beginning of the game, Casteel the middle. Castel seemed to run out of gas and Xavier controlled the overtime’s. The refs made bad calls on penalties and out off bounds, but they made them for both teams. Refs are part of the game and you just have to deal with it and stop crying.