Dear ECNL Players, Coaches, Families and Clubs:
For years, the ECNL has connected players, families, and clubs in a unique way, uniting people across the country in a shared experience within the youth game. Friendships that survive well beyond a season, and even a playing career, have been created. Memories that spark every kind of emotion have been forged.
While the memories of the 2019-2020 soccer season will be unlike any before, we have also seen great things we have never seen before - virtual team trainings, collaborative videos, motivational messages and fun images designed to unite and inspire. You have captured the passion for the game and importantly, the commitment to support each other. To see how the clubs and players in the ECNL have seamlessly moved from connectivity on the field to connectivity online has been inspirational. It is this collective commitment that will cause ECNL players, teams, and clubs to emerge from this period more focused, aligned and determined than ever before.
Since the suspension of the sport began in March, we have held out hope to be able to host a National Showcase this summer, as a celebration of the return of the game. At this point, however, while many medical trends are positive and the sport is slowly coming back in many areas of the country, it has become clear that it would be premature for the ECNL to host events this summer. With a heavy heart, we are therefore cancelling the 2020 Summer Showcase and the 2020 National Training Camp.
The cancellation of these events will hopefully mark a turning point as we begin to look forward to the 2020-2021 season. With the incredible dedication and work of health professionals everywhere, and the commitment of the American people, the curve has begun to flatten, and cities, counties and states across the country are beginning to “re-open” in a phased approach In some areas, soccer training is on the horizon.
While we now close the door on the 2019-2020 season, we are very optimistic for the 2020-2021 season. As we look forward to the fall, we are mindful that some things may change in the structure of competition, and some areas of the country may be in different phases at different times. We will be prepared to support our membership wherever they are, and in whatever phase they may be, through this process.
To facilitate the return of the game, and to support our members, the ECNL will be hosting a webinar to introduce the ECNL Return to Play Recommendations on Tuesday, May 26 featuring ECNL Chief Medical Advisor, Drew Watson, MD, MS, as well as attorney Tim Posnanski. During the session we will be sharing practical guidance to support a safe return to training in the club environment, and we will answer questions related to best practices. Recognizing the importance of this conversation, we will make this free and informative webinar available to all who are interested. Registration information will be available in the next few days.
Through this time, our league and staff have been incredibly thankful for the support of the ECNL community - for the players, families, teams, coaches, referees, administrators, and spectators that have made our league environment a special and unique place. We are fully committed to celebrating the return of the sport with you as we all begin to emerge from this pandemic, and doing so carefully, safely, and according to the guidelines and requirements of federal, state, and local authorities.
Please join us on May 26, and please keep your eyes focused on the horizon - our country, our society, and our sport will be back. Together we will continue to raise the game.
Christian Lavers