Girls Development Academy

225k is the number I was told.
225K sounds right for 3 teams. I wonder if that includes travel expense. Well Madcow posted US Soccer is giving 5 million. If so, it will be divide equally among 53 girls DA clubs. That is about 96K each. Obviously the math doesn't add up to GDA being fully funded, means somebody is going to have to pay for the shortfall.
225K sounds right for 3 teams. I wonder if that includes travel expense. Well Madcow posted US Soccer is giving 5 million. If so, it will be divide equally among 53 girls DA clubs. That is about 96K each. Obviously the math doesn't add up to GDA being fully funded, means somebody is going to have to pay for the shortfall.
Ahhh, that 5 Million is before the "soccer people" get paid... :)
225K sounds right for 3 teams. I wonder if that includes travel expense. Well Madcow posted US Soccer is giving 5 million. If so, it will be divide equally among 53 girls DA clubs. That is about 96K each. Obviously the math doesn't add up to GDA being fully funded, means somebody is going to have to pay for the shortfall.
Dont worry the extra money will come from the influx of parents eager to pay threw the nose to get on the clubs DA or DA -reserve team. This will be enough money to ensure the top 11 girls always play for free on the DA teams.
The National Women's Soccer League took an embarrassing hit over the weekend when it allowed a match to be played on a narrow field and now Hope Solo, the goalie for the U.S. women's national team and the Seattle Reign, believes it's another sign that "we have a crisis on our hands."

Solo, who has become one of the national team's leaders in the fight for pay and conditions that are equal to those given the men's team, ripped the league for the 58-yard wide field as well as for its financial, travel and equipment arrangements.

So this is the endpoint after GDA????
Embarrassing. Hope some heads rolled over this.

But why did the coaches agree to play?
Why did the players agree to play?
Nobody has any common sense? BUNCH OF MORONS
225K sounds right for 3 teams. I wonder if that includes travel expense. Well Madcow posted US Soccer is giving 5 million. If so, it will be divide equally among 53 girls DA clubs. That is about 96K each. Obviously the math doesn't add up to GDA being fully funded, means somebody is going to have to pay for the shortfall.

GDA is not fully funded on the boys side with the exception of MLS sides and maybe a few others. It won't be fully funded on the girls side either. My guess is it will cost about the same as people are paying now.
GDA is not fully funded on the boys side with the exception of MLS sides and maybe a few others. It won't be fully funded on the girls side either. My guess is it will cost about the same as people are paying now.
Thanks, but I already knew that and posted it on this thread. Read post #60! I was illustrating to posters...Girls DA will not be fully funded as many ulittle parents might be thinking and hoping. Please keep up!

The 225K is a low end estimate. Club fee and ECNL travel fee combined is about 5-6K a year per player in SoCal, so it would be closer to 300K for 3 teams totaling a minimum of 60 girls. Add in 2 additional training days (club coaches won't be training for free), field expense and lights. The cost is even higher.
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If the US WNT team was playing on TV vs. the Victoria Secret Bikini Powder puff mud tackle football game I could guarantee you the latter would win in a TV ratings by a landslide. Nobody is interested in seeing Lloyd, klingberg, Wombach and rapinoe. They are interested in Pugh, Leroux, Morgan and Press.

The fact is GDA is trying to bring women soccer to parity with the men is a joke. And to think that people actually believe this is possible is a joke because the level of play is NOT equal by any stretch. GDA will do nothing to improve the women's game as it stands now. The US Women are at the top of their game presently. Frankly the only direction from the ceiling is down and when this happens GDA and Henrich will be held responsible for the decline.
If the US WNT team was playing on TV vs. the Victoria Secret Bikini Powder puff mud tackle football game I could guarantee you the latter would win in a TV ratings by a landslide. Nobody is interested in seeing Lloyd, klingberg, Wombach and rapinoe. They are interested in Pugh, Leroux, Morgan and Press.

The fact is GDA is trying to bring women soccer to parity with the men is a joke. And to think that people actually believe this is possible is a joke because the level of play is NOT equal by any stretch. GDA will do nothing to improve the women's game as it stands now. The US Women are at the top of their game presently. Frankly the only direction from the ceiling is down and when this happens GDA and Henrich will be held responsible for the decline.

The facts are clear and EBAY is correct on viewers :
+212% 2014 Men's World Cup group stage vs. 2015 Women's World Cup group stage
+87% 2014 men's send-off games vs. 2015 women's send-off games
+70% 2015 men's friendlies vs. women's friendlies

Even when you include the record 25,400,000 viewers who watched the 2015 USA-Japan final on Fox, the U.S. men outdrew the U.S. women by 74 percent for their World Cup games.

But what I believe is the majority of Growth and interest of US soccer is not going to come from the men but from the Women's side. Americans gravitate to winners and in the USA only the Women are doing that. Sorry everyone, but in the USA sports participations is declining and soccer is still not the top sport chossen by our boys or girls . ( ) The younge athetic males in the USA unfortunitly still have litttle to no interest in the soccer for many reasons, my money litterally is on the growth of womens soccer to help increase interest in sport.
So get behind our women and thank them for putting up with crappy playing conditions low pay and little chance of making a living at it now, to help advance Soccer in the USA for our kids future. GDA bring it on....
If the US WNT team was playing on TV vs. the Victoria Secret Bikini Powder puff mud tackle football game I could guarantee you the latter would win in a TV ratings by a landslide. Nobody is interested in seeing Lloyd, klingberg, Wombach and rapinoe. They are interested in Pugh, Leroux, Morgan and Press.

I really disagree with this part of your comment.

I enjoy watching soccer in general. However, I really enjoy watching good women's soccer as compared to other women's sports. I think the level of competitive fire and skill that has been developed in women's soccer really makes for good viewing. In some technical ways I also think that the best women in the US are playing BETTER soccer than the men. More connections, more passing back and switching the field to take advantage of numbers, more creativity in the attack, more use of the goal keeper as a field player. There is a lot to be said for the quality of their play and seeing raw ratings as high as we have seen is significant.

However, I think there is an even more important factor that will continue to increase the popularity in the women's game. Young girls playing soccer now have the ability to watch their idols play the sport they love at the highest level of the game, on tv and in person, and they are WOMEN! My daughter doesn't have to watch men playing the game to see perfect examples of technique and willpower. She has tons of examples of phenomenal female players that are getting publicity and being hailed as excellent athletes.

The more that these top women are showcased and our young girls are able to see that, then the more the growth will feed on itself. Softball, volleyball, even basketball haven't seen that kind of stardom and focus on the women's side. I don't ever remember being able to sit in a bar and have hundreds of people cheering for a women's sporting event quite the way we've seen for women's soccer in the last few years. Possibly for some Olympic events, but even then I'm not sure.

And it has crossed over to some folks that don't really even follow soccer. The success of the women's national team has put soccer on the radar screen for many parents that might not have considered soccer as an option for their daughters. This will only grow the momentum.

I know Ronaldo's looks have helped his marketability. I'm sure Hope Solo's looks help her too. However, I know a ton of people that are interested in watching both men and women play good soccer. It's the good soccer part that attracts the viewers. If they are playing the game at the highest level, then I don't think their looks will matter that much. Messi isn't the best looking kid around, but a ton of people want to see him play because he is incredible.

As long as our top women continue playing excellent soccer and doing well on the international scene, it will help feed the dreams of DD's around the nation - that will only grow the sport and its ratings.
Since sports programming is really the only thing on TV these days that people watch live, I do think the NWSL will get a decent TV deal in the very near future. I'd watch women's soccer if it was on TV. My daughters would love it.
Interesting topic. I like the idea of a girls DA. Although I think they could have come up with a better setup. Made it like a champions league and bring all the winners from the different leagues together (from the year before); and crown a true US Champion. Set themselves up as the gold standard, by bringing US Youth & Club leagues back together in the way that only US Soccer could have done. It woulda been a "comic con" for the soccer world.

Let all of soccer see what was really working. Be relevant, educate and let the tide raise all the boats.
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And they should put Gary Sparks in charge of it. I really missed him when ECNL broke off from coast soccer. He didn't put up with much bs out of the clubs.
It would be fun to have access to the posts in the old blog, to reproduce the opinions of some frequent posters here. I remember making the case for girls DA, just to be attacked simultaneously by three or four posters busy echoing their opinions. I remember saying that most ECNL clubs would apply to DA, just to be laughed off with statements such as "we do not need DA", or "most ECNL clubs will not apply". Well, it is clear that the wishes of those parents were not aligned with the actions of the leadership of the ECNL clubs.
In another thread the posters in the know were making lists of the clubs that would get DA. Guess what, the majority opinion was that all ECNL clubs would get DA (except for Blues, because they did not have enough girls to fund the new program), and maybe Legends. Fast forward and 50% of the teams that get DA are non ECNL, and Blues and Beach are among the first four chosen. Of course, everything must be a money grab because the posters in the know have much better judgment that the US Soccer Federation.