Girls Development Academy

So they are talking about having what appears to be a 2nd team (Academy II) and there will be league play for them as well?

Interesting? First I heard anything about this.

Yes there will be a DA2 league and those teams will not be participating in SCDSL (in socal) or ECNL or anything similar. It supposedly is regional.
What did you hear about Albion? I don't know anyone at that club currently but they are the only DA team in that area. They don't have elite teams this year but it seems like they could pick up from area clubs.
It is all new so we will see. From my past, I couldn't say much positive about theclub, but some coaches are good and they let them be good. They just have too many people who make soccer their full time job. Check out how many teams some of them coach.

So far what I have seen as a problem is the number of clubs that are trying to secure players really early, I assume before Albion gets them. Albion can create extra teams and there is a lot of coach movement. None of this is good for little girl soccer.
I agree with that 100%. It's too much for 7th and 8th graders. I wonder how many will give up the sport for that reason? when it has stopped being fun, and started being about parents pipe dreams?

Sports should always be player driven. Some 7th and 8th graders are incredibly focused and know what they want. Some just want to please mom and dad. Having the ability to recognize where somebody's player fits in is key.
I agree with that 100%. It's too much for 7th and 8th graders. I wonder how many will give up the sport for that reason? when it has stopped being fun, and started being about parents pipe dreams?
The great part of being a part of club soccer is that there a lot of options and no pressure to be a part of DA. You have ECNL and hs and odp, you have DAII and hs and odp, and you have DAI. Many great options and hopefully dd's are choosing what is best for them and not the parents choosing what is best for the parent's ego's. Great time to be a part of Club Soccer and embrace all of the changes!!
Sports should always be player driven. Some 7th and 8th graders are incredibly focused and know what they want. Some just want to please mom and dad. Having the ability to recognize where somebody's player fits in is key.

Agreed... let me say MOST 7th and 8th graders. Mine loves soccer and is very motivatated to be the best, but I don't know if she would love it as much after a year of that many practices, and having to give up playing high school with friends from other clubs.
I agree with that 100%. It's too much for 7th and 8th graders. I wonder how many will give up the sport for that reason? when it has stopped being fun, and started being about parents pipe dreams?

I have one of those and there are at least a couple others on the team in the same place. They want to play but....The number of players really starts to drop at 12 and 13, that drop seams to be getting larger and the choices left smaller. Calsouth probably has the numbers, more or less since ecnl/scdsl? I have a guess.
... So far what I have seen as a problem is the number of clubs that are trying to secure players really early ...
What do you mean by securing players really early? It seems to me that tryouts are happening at about the same time or even a little later than last year.
What do you mean by securing players really early? It seems to me that tryouts are happening at about the same time or even a little later than last year.
Not in San Diego, at least some of the clubs. Some already done, a couple will be next week and want you committed before National Cup. Surf is later, not sure why that is. Albion is about the same.
Not in San Diego, at least some of the clubs. Some already done, a couple will be next week and want you committed before National Cup. Surf is later, not sure why that is. Albion is about the same.

The clubs I looked at last year and this year for the 04's in San Diego are mostly about the same or later.

Albion's are a week later this year, CSC is the same week, Liverpool is a month later, Notts is the same week, Rebels is a week and a half earlier, SDSC is the same week (or a week later, my note is unclear), and Surf is a month and a half later. Those are just the ones I had notes on because of the calendar year change from last year. Maybe you're looking at different clubs than I did, but it seems about the same or later to me. And it seems every year that each club wants you committed and paid, or on a payment plan, immediately after tryouts. Nothing new here.
The clubs I looked at last year and this year for the 04's in San Diego are mostly about the same or later.

Albion's are a week later this year, CSC is the same week, Liverpool is a month later, Notts is the same week, Rebels is a week and a half earlier, SDSC is the same week (or a week later, my note is unclear), and Surf is a month and a half later. Those are just the ones I had notes on because of the calendar year change from last year. Maybe you're looking at different clubs than I did, but it seems about the same or later to me. And it seems every year that each club wants you committed and paid, or on a payment plan, immediately after tryouts. Nothing new here.

Confused by this post for many reasons, mostly because SDSC, and Surf have already secured their top teams. LAGSD has been doing kick arounds since Nov and Carl has been great and involved with telling you where he sees your girl. Blues are done, West Coast done, Pats calling around. Arsenal is done already too!
I don't know about South Bat clubs at all?
What do you mean by securing players really early? It seems to me that tryouts are happening at about the same time or even a little later than last year.

What I am shocked MORE about this year and maybe it has always been this way but my club has never allowed it is- the before State Cup transfers to the team they will be on. No one seems to be talking about it but our high profile teams have several new faces that everyone will be seeing at CRL and National Cup. Find it to be odd especially when they go from a B team to another B team but that's also what has been happening!
Also just going to throw this one out there ECNL is dead. When the ECNL teams are low level B teams at clubs I think we can say it's dead. All top talent at 03 and 04 going to DA. Have not met one family of a great player "choosing to stay on ECNL". Also clubs are offering scholarships BIG TIME for DA. The clubs with the deepest pockets are LAGSB, Pats and Legends so far.
High sticker price and low level B team I wish this clubs were being more honest about this it's a consumer lie. Sad to see parents excited about "being on ECNL" but have no idea the sticker price and the caliber of their team
Confused by this post for many reasons, mostly because SDSC, and Surf have already secured their top teams. LAGSD has been doing kick arounds since Nov and Carl has been great and involved with telling you where he sees your girl. Blues are done, West Coast done, Pats calling around. Arsenal is done already too!
I don't know about South Bat clubs at all?
Tryouts have nothing or little to do with a teams on the special kid clubs. Most of our kids are not special. This is about the clubs trying to get enough teams to pay for special people like you. Other clubs just trying to maintain.

You need us, build that wall and you won't have anyone left to pay for it, or care.
Tryouts have nothing or little to do with a teams on the special kid clubs. Most of our kids are not special. This is about the clubs trying to get enough teams to pay for special people like you. Other clubs just trying to maintain.

You need us, build that wall and you won't have anyone left to pay for it, or care.

Easy there sport. Happen to love Ryan Marquez just have no idea when his tryouts are.
Also if you follow me you would know I think most of it is a scam and brand doesn't mean crap anymore. In other words I think a coach is more important hence why I know Ryan very well. I assume you know Gabe is coming back to Surf too?
My point was it's done in most places do don't get deluded about bringing Sally to a tryout.
Again it's done at B level Too.
Maybe you should ease off the CNN because you are bringing politics into little girls soccer
Confused by this post for many reasons, mostly because SDSC, and Surf have already secured their top teams. LAGSD has been doing kick arounds since Nov and Carl has been great and involved with telling you where he sees your girl. Blues are done, West Coast done, Pats calling around. Arsenal is done already too!
I don't know about South Bat clubs at all?

So Surf, Blues, & WCFC are set with their 04 DA teams, and Arsenal with their ECNL team?
The clubs I looked at last year and this year for the 04's in San Diego are mostly about the same or later.

Albion's are a week later this year, CSC is the same week, Liverpool is a month later, Notts is the same week, Rebels is a week and a half earlier, SDSC is the same week (or a week later, my note is unclear), and Surf is a month and a half later. Those are just the ones I had notes on because of the calendar year change from last year. Maybe you're looking at different clubs than I did, but it seems about the same or later to me. And it seems every year that each club wants you committed and paid, or on a payment plan, immediately after tryouts. Nothing new here.
I guess I'll have to find my notes. I'm pretty sure notts and albion used to go two weeks, notts always trying to schedule with albion in mind. Sdsc is definitely early this year, same with hotspurs. All three, not Albion, are evidence of the problem, fear of the power of academy status.

I have no idea why surf and sharks are so late, but I like what they are doing.
Surf is done. Top team done. ECNL aka B team basically formed. You are trying out in March for a C team and I would encourage you to see who that coach of ECNL or that c team is before you go! Not worth the $$
Notts is STRONG.
Shannon is going what Shannon always does and respecting parents and players.