Girls Development Academy

The kids on the C-F teams could have learned those lessons and made those friends on their AYSO select teams and saved you thousands for their college fund. Just saying, lol!

BTW, post something controversial and it's how you get parents to post on the forum. See how that works!
Over-complicating a very simple issue... Nothing any of us here don't see right through. Club soccer is not controversial. Different vehicles to promote athleticism, team spirit, discipline and having fun. It is merely the parent's choice as to which avenue they would like to choose. If you are passionate about the sport, then I would think ANY soccer opportunity is a good one.
Like I posted, playing AYSO is not sexy! So let me put you on the C-F team, pay my $2000 club fee without the travel expense and I will give you my club jersey with the crest.

Unless things have changed, AYSO plays two 8-10 week seasons. Most Clubs play year round, train two/three times a week, enter tournaments...A different level of commitment and experience altogether. Not sure Sexy applies to kids soccer, but sounds like you've got your own ideas as to how things should be done!
If anybody's DD is playing club and only made their HS JV team. Get out of club soccer now and sock the money towards their col
Over-complicating a very simple issue... Nothing any of us here don't see right through. Club soccer is not controversial. Different vehicles to promote athleticism, team spirit, discipline and having fun. It is merely the parent's choice as to which avenue they would like to choose. If you are passionate about the sport, then I would think ANY soccer opportunity is a good one.
Really, nothing any of us here don't see right through...are you posting "alternative facts".
Unless things have changed, AYSO plays two 8-10 week seasons. Most Clubs play year round, train two/three times a week, enter tournaments...A different level of commitment and experience altogether. Not sure Sexy applies to kids soccer, but sounds like you've got your own ideas as to how things should be done!
And despite the fact their DD's are no longer playing at the Club level, they spend hours telling us we are all fools for falling for the trap (that they also participated in). hindsight is 20/20 and it worked out for them, but as they've reminded us many times across many threads, our DD's don't have a chance.
Unless things have changed, AYSO plays two 8-10 week seasons. Most Clubs play year round, train two/three times a week, enter tournaments...A different level of commitment and experience altogether. Not sure Sexy applies to kids soccer, but sounds like you've got your own ideas as to how things should be done!
Did you forget AYSO travel select, spring soccer, playing for the local hispanic league which is also year round and the players all get a jersey? Like the DOC told me years ago for some reason parents will pay for their daughters to play club soccer.
I am all for anything that gets more players playing soccer. I have watched a few rec and AYSO games over the past year. Most of those games and players were playing at a much lower level than most B-D club teams I have watched (I have never seen an E or F team play). I have known players that moved from club to rec and were so much better than everyone else that they quickly moved back to a club team. I do think that in the future when all of our kids are the volunteer rec coaches, rec soccer will be played at a higher level and there will be less of a need for club soccer.
And despite the fact their DD's are no longer playing at the Club level, they spend hours telling us we are all fools for falling for the trap (that they also participated in). hindsight is 20/20 and it worked out for them, but as they've reminded us many times across many threads, our DD's don't have a chance.
My DD is still playing club soccer. I'm being brutally honest, there are girls who belong in club soccer and my guess is 80% of the posters on this forum have DDs who play on A or B teams. Unless reality is hitting home, you shouldn't be offended.

Anybody can play club soccer, it's no longer a vehicle where the best players play club soccer unlike 10-15 years ago. It's probably why there is a market for ECNL and now Girls DA. To seperate the wheat from the chaff. It's okay, I have a club jersey for your DD though.
I am all for anything that gets more players playing soccer. I have watched a few rec and AYSO games over the past year. Most of those games and players were playing at a much lower level than most B-D club teams I have watched (I have never seen an E or F team play). I have known players that moved from club to rec and were so much better than everyone else that they quickly moved back to a club team. I do think that in the future when all of our kids are the volunteer rec coaches, rec soccer will be played at a higher level and there will be less of a need for club soccer.
I have seen many ulittle B team players who end up recruited for college soccer when older. It's the ulittle C to F teams that I have an issue with. Those are the same club players and don't make their HS varsity team as freshmens.

I agree with your post when our kids become parents they quality of rec coaches will vastly improve.
And despite the fact their DD's are no longer playing at the Club level, they spend hours telling us we are all fools for falling for the trap (that they also participated in). hindsight is 20/20 and it worked out for them, but as they've reminded us many times across many threads, our DD's don't have a chance.

What do you mean? His daughter plays club and mine might play this spring as she is still age eligible. Come on now. If you don't want to read what he or I post the ignore feature is handy.
What do you mean? His daughter plays club and mine might play this spring as she is still age eligible. Come on now. If you don't want to read what he or I post the ignore feature is handy.
Trust me, I've contemplated it. However, when the 2 of you aren't putting the rest of us down, calling Club soccer a joke or toughting how amazing your DD is (which by all accounts they are), you actually have some valuable insight.
Trust me, I've contemplated it. However, when the 2 of you aren't putting the rest of us down, calling Club soccer a joke or toughting how amazing your DD is (which by all accounts they are), you actually have some valuable insight.
Club soccer is "NOT" a joke, at the youth level I see it more as a money grab for lower level players.

Lower to mid club soccer is glorified recreational soccer with a paid coach. If there was an opportunity for AYSO Select players to be recruited for college soccer....80-90% of the parents wouldn't be playing club. We all heard the quote "build it and they will come".
Trust me, I've contemplated it. However, when the 2 of you aren't putting the rest of us down, calling Club soccer a joke or toughting how amazing your DD is (which by all accounts they are), you actually have some valuable insight.

If it will make you happy I will keep my opinions and experience to myself and stick to the only threads that I care about the D1 soccer and WNT threads. I will block you so I don't see your comments and we won't ever have to cross paths. Debating ULittle parents is like beating my head against the wall anyway. Watching the disaster in Washington unfold is probably going to be more entertaining anyway. Good luck to you and yours! And that Miller can in your picture has got to go. You don't really drink that stuff do you?

Peace in the Middle East!
If it will make you happy I will keep my opinions and experience to myself and stick to the only threads that I care about the D1 soccer and WNT threads. I will block you so I don't see your comments and we won't ever have to cross paths. Debating ULittle parents is like beating my head against the wall anyway. Watching the disaster in Washington unfold is probably going to be more entertaining anyway. Good luck to you and yours! And that Miller can in your picture has got to go. You don't really drink that stuff do you?

Peace in the Middle East!

Only in certain occasions i.e. Playing Ace's on a Friday afternoon at my local net. I'm more of an IPA guy when it comes to beer. I will say I can relate to the brick wall comment...already have a headache