Girls Development Academy

If you want to make this about Legends then please name one repeat YNT player produced by the club other than Ally Prisock. Name one elite player developed by the club other than Ally Prisock.
You want more than one? OK, here are the current Legends YNT players:

T-15. Legends FC (6)

Goalkeepers: Vianey Lopez (U15)

Defenders: Savannah Kessler (U15)

Midfielders: Jessica Carlton (U14)

Forwards: Vanessa Buso (U15), Laney Carroll (U15), Emily Knous (U17)

Here is the article that this list was derived from, just so that you don't think I am making stuff up. And I know of at least 2 more that would be on that list, if it weren't for inopportune injuries.

If you want to say Kodi Lavrusky she sat the bench at UCLA until her senior year and that was their worst team ever and I would hardly call her elite.
Kind of hard to score the winning goal in the NCAA Finals from the bench. She won an NCAA National Championship, I would call that elite. Or wait, do you reserve that title only for Elite Club National League players? Give the kid some credit.
You want more than one? OK, here are the current Legends YNT players:

T-15. Legends FC (6)

Goalkeepers: Vianey Lopez (U15)

Defenders: Savannah Kessler (U15)

Midfielders: Jessica Carlton (U14)

Forwards: Vanessa Buso (U15), Laney Carroll (U15), Emily Knous (U17)

Here is the article that this list was derived from, just so that you don't think I am making stuff up. And I know of at least 2 more that would be on that list, if it weren't for inopportune injuries.

I'm sorry...I didn't notice your qualifier of "repeat" YNT player. So now it is not good enough to produce YNT players, they must be repeat YNT players. These kids are young...give them time.
not one of those non-ECNL clubs that you mentioned has a better record of producing national team...than ANY of the ECNL clubs in SoCal.

Here you go...per soccer wire article that No Goal so graciously shared (not sure how accurate that is):

Legends 6
Arsenal 6
West Coast 3
Real So Cal 2
Strikers 0
What do you mean by this statement? I assume you mean that Legends FC could not win a USYS Championship if the ECNL teams were involved. That is what you are implying, correct? Or are you going to duck out on your meaning? Guess what, they did and they have. And the latest ECNL club to join, TopHat from Georgia, couldn't even get out of pool play in the most recent USYS National Championship.

Exactly you assumed!!! Let me be clear for a 100th time that I probably have posted this.....Legends did NOT get into ECNL, because at the time ECNL was formed 8 or so years ago. One of their requirements was winning a USYS National Championship. Legends was in it's infancy having just merged Glendora FC and Stampede FC same goes for Beach FC. Both clubs had no history of winning anything. Legends and Beach both benefit after ECNL was formed. How did they benefit NoGoal? I am glad you asked CaliKlines, because without the ECNL clubs they were able to win multiple USYS Championships and dominate the USYS gaming circuit without the best clubs in the nation competing. Now if Legends or Beach were admitted into ECNL they wouldn't dominant like they did in USYS National League or Championship series. For example Tophat also had a lot of success in the USYS gaming circuit, did well in a weak ECNL Southeastern Conference....but, did NOT dominant the ECNL Champions League playoffs.

USYS was dominated by 3 clubs; Legends, Beach and Tophat. As the cliche goes, big fish in a small pond. Even though my DD won't be playing club soccer the fall of 2017 and I won't be following club soccer anymore. Beach and Legends will NOT dominate GDA nationally or locally....meaning ALL 3 AGE GROUPS! Anybody from Beach or Legends to post they will dominate GDA is full of crap.

No, but you did post that US Soccer loves to pick YNT from ECNL rosters. Where do you think US Soccer will pick their YNT from in the future? C'mon, spit it out. Even you can spell D-A.

I posted that my DDs club is ECNL and DA. I posted DA lots of times already. My point is you're already posting DA and the league doesn't start for over a year from now. What is it that you don't understand that my DDs club is both DA and ECNL? If DA started this fall, she would be on the DA team, since she made the 2016 98-99 combined age group. What do I mean by 98-99 age group? It means the club already took the best players from the birth year of 1998 and 1999 to from a U19 team. The exact same way DA will be forming teams, by combining the best players from 2 age groups.

Thanks for clarifying NG, you're welcome....sheesh!
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This is entertaining. All I am really getting however is Cali like Legends and Nogoal doesn't. Legends was not good enough for ECNL but they are for the academy league.
This is entertaining. All I am really getting however is Cali like Legends and Nogoal doesn't. Legends was not good enough for ECNL but they are for the academy league.
I have no issues with Legends as a club. Best club in the IE for sure. Both of my kids played for Legends. My son played for Legends longer than Cali's DD has and get this, my wife and I were former team managers at the club for 2 different teams :confused:
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This is entertaining. All I am really getting however is Cali like Legends and Nogoal doesn't. Legends was not good enough for ECNL but they are for the academy league.
...and that Legends never would have made it this far without the ECNL giving them the opportunity. Especially when it comes to national championships, they surely wouldn't have won ant of those.

BTW if national championships were a prerequisite for entry into the original ECNL, it doesn't explain why most of the original clubs didn't have a girls national championship win.
You want more than one? OK, here are the current Legends YNT players:

T-15. Legends FC (6)

Goalkeepers: Vianey Lopez (U15)

Defenders: Savannah Kessler (U15)

Midfielders: Jessica Carlton (U14)

Forwards: Vanessa Buso (U15), Laney Carroll (U15), Emily Knous (U17)

Here is the article that this list was derived from, just so that you don't think I am making stuff up. And I know of at least 2 more that would be on that list, if it weren't for inopportune injuries.

Kind of hard to score the winning goal in the NCAA Finals from the bench. She won an NCAA National Championship, I would call that elite. Or wait, do you reserve that title only for Elite Club National League players? Give the kid some credit.

Okay my bad VB and VL both went to two camps but neither were invited to the most recent ones. Very impressive to even get one callback.
...and that Legends never would have made it this far without the ECNL giving them the opportunity. Especially when it comes to national championships, they surely wouldn't have won ant of those.

BTW if national championships were a prerequisite for entry into the original ECNL, it doesn't explain why most of the original clubs didn't have a girls national championship win.
From what I remember in SoCal at the time Surf, Slammers, Blues, RSC, Arsenal and Eagles all had USYS National titles. WCFC and Strikers got in during the inaugural season, when other clubs such as Blues and Eagles waited to see if the league would gain traction. ECNL actually told Blues and Eagles to get in or they will not get in for several years afterwards. The biggest club that was snubbed at the time with (I think) 2 USYS Championships was Laguna Hills Eclipse.
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From what I remember in SoCal at the time Surf, Slammers, Blues, RSC and Eagles all had USYS National titles. WCFC and Strikers got in during the inaugural season, when other clubs such as Blues and Eagles waited to see if the league would gain traction. ECNL actually told Blues and Eagles to get in or they will not get in for several years afterwards.

WCFC and Strikers both had a girls USYS national title as did Arsenal.
Oh for goodness sakes, let's flash forward to NOW. So NOW, how can a team possibly qualify for ECNL if, as you keep repeating, they have to win a National Championship with the ECNL teams involved? That ain't happening. So please, outside of the YNT players, colegiates, and yes, National Championships, explain to me how clubs NOW are supposed to qualify for the Elite league?
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What year did Arsenal girls win? I can't find it on the usys website.
I was when Cle
Oh for goodness sakes, let's flash forward to NOW. So NOW, how can a team possibly qualify for ECNL if, as you keep repeating, they have to win a National Championship with the ECNL teams involved? That ain't happening. So please, outside of the YNT players, colegiates, and yes, National Championships, explain to me how clubs NOW are supposed to qualify for the "Elite" league? Just face it: The reason clubs like Legends and Beach are not in is simple: The ECNL clubs want to benefit from their player development systems by poaching their players. Nuff said. But, just to clue you old timers in, it has not been working as well lately with the youngers. The tide is shifting and it's because of the same attitude that is being thrown around on this thread. People just aren't drinking it up anymore. As for me, I am an ECNL supporter, but all this makes even me say, "Bring it on, GDA!"
Problem is ECNL already has 8 SoCal clubs, unless they kick out a club. There isn't enough top players to form 8 competitive teams now. IMO, it's why GDA has 7 clubs at this early stage and consolidating 2 age groups per team. This will weed out the weak and send them to LA Premier....haha!

As for the ulittle parents, you will realize how important college exposure is when your DDs come of age. Unless the player has YNT, ODP team, or ID2 on their will be difficult for your DD to distinguish themselves from players who are guaranteed 3-4 ECNL showcases a year. Next year add GDA team players to that mix. The result will be the small boutique clubs/teams have to WIN USYS National Cup, Regionals and gain guaranteed acceptance into Surf Cup and Surf College Cup to get in front of college coaches.
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Oh for goodness sakes, let's flash forward to NOW. So NOW, how can a team possibly qualify for ECNL if, as you keep repeating, they have to win a National Championship with the ECNL teams involved? That ain't happening. So please, outside of the YNT players, colegiates, and yes, National Championships, explain to me how clubs NOW are supposed to qualify for the "Elite" league? Just face it: The reason clubs like Legends and Beach are not in is simple: The ECNL clubs want to benefit from their player development systems by poaching their players. Nuff said. But, just to clue you old timers in, it has not been working as well lately with the youngers. The tide is shifting and it's because of the same attitude that is being thrown around on this thread. People just aren't drinking it up anymore. As for me, I am an ECNL supporter, but all this makes even me say, "Bring it on, GDA!"

Let's see what you say in 2018 when the dust starts to settle. I will be curious as to how it will work out. I'm tired of this thread as it is all speculation. I know what actually has worked and for the last 5 years I have seen the best youth competition platform from up close. I have seen the majority of the YNT pool and many of the players that are the future of US soccer.

Please don't listen to what I have to say. I'm just a soccer mom who no longer has a dog in this fight. This fall I can honestly say that the only youth soccer games that I will see are a couple of my friends daughters U11 games. Outside of that it will be strictly college and U20/17 WWC games. I hope that your daughter is a top 25 player in SoCal in her age group so that this is moot. Good luck to you and yours.
Will any club in AZ get a DA offer? We only have 2 ECNL teams.
That's one of the many problem with all of this. DA clubs were not made available to 80% of the country. Essentially the DA is saying girls living in certain geographical locations cannot participate. However, places like Nevada and Arizona simply don't have the pool to form both ECNL and DA teams.
However, places like Nevada and Arizona simply don't have the pool to form both ECNL and DA teams.

This post is SoCal snobbery at its finest as the #1 u17 team in the SW conference this season was SCDS. The u15 SCDS team finished 4th. Arizona definitely has enough talent for a GDA and an ECNL team.