Emotion? Yeah okay... whatever. This is discourse. Simply put I don’t agree with your take on ECNL. For the record, I’ve never stated anything negative about the actual GDA showcase other than it’s timing and girls getting crappy dates. Nor did I state anything negative about GDA, just that it’s not for my DD at this time. We are not willing to give everything thing else up for a new patch. No need for disclaimers, most don’t know who my DD is anyways. Sure you can find her if you dig a little.
Yes, Exams! Parents will hopefully make a responsible decision that works for their player. As others posted their was down time to study for EXAMS. It’s not silly to understand their significance, it’s SILLY NOT to acknowledge it.
Have you been to a GDA Showcase?
Nope, they have only had one that was 2,382 miles from my house. That’s a bit far dontcha think ?
Have you even been to a GDA match?
Yup, it was very lope-sided. If I remember the score was like 7-0... could be wrong on the score.
Maybe 7-1.
Training session?
Yup, it wasn’t anything out of the ordinary.
So, yes I have enough experience with GDA to know, I’m not getting anything any different for my DD at this point in time, other than a new shiny patch

No need to sale anyone on anything. It’s not my place, and besides I personally hate sales. However, that’s what USSF should be doing a better job of. GDA hasn’t sold me on anything. Case in point ... them screwing over the 2003’s for 18/19 season. Now, if they change it before the season, Kudos to them.
I said their are more REGIONS in this vast country than SoCal and NTX and I have consistently stated that 21 “elite” anything shouldn’t exist anywhere and doesn’t.
And you kid will be ... that’s a typo. Oof
