Umm? Columbia School of Broadcasting (not affiliated with anything else named Columbia) has long had a cure for that disfluency, along with other such speech defects. Your use of it here indicated that you are attempting to imitate live speech (see below).
First off, it is hard to distinguish the difference between slander and libel in a forum constructed as a conversation among equals. If I make that change in accordance with your suggestion, it is still a libelous lie.
2) Anyone who has paid attention to my postings over the years, especially in the "espola's newest neighborhood" subforum, knows who I am. I don't try to hide it. My email was open to readers until the last redo of the forum by Dominic after it crashed a while back hid such personal information.
3-5) Now you are joining in the libel/slander (take your pick) with statements such as "your mindless posts", which you admit you just made up.
For a review of the facts in question -- the person involved was a friend of the family (wife's brother's ex-wife's mother's roommate) to whom we offered free room and board after her roommate died and she needed a place to live. She was not old enough to draw her Social Security pension, and had no local relatives to take her in. After a couple of years, she activated her pension and moved out to live with another woman in a similar situation. I have encountered her and her new roommate several times while shopping in Poway back when we still lived there.