Essential Economics for Politicians

Chump change compared to 6 straight years of QE.
Tell me more about that fake money? Counterfeit, was it? And what happened when people spent it?
You and Ricky form a task force yet to find out where it went?
What did QE do? Inflation is incredibly low.
Wages aren’t increasing (except at my business where the combination of QE and my collateralized debt allow me to give healthy raises and bonuses to my team every year).
Inflation(Increase) of money supply precedes price increases. Always. QE increased national debt. QE increased money supply without equally increasing resources in the economy.
Inflation(Increase) of money supply precedes price increases. Always. QE increased national debt. QE increased money supply without equally increasing resources in the economy.
So if saving our country from years of depression by increasing the debt is the only side effect to QE, I'll take it. Anything else?
I know you would rather the ultra wealthy profit from the US going deeper in debt like with t's tax bill, but I'd rather all America see the results like with what Bush and Obama did.
Oh, and with your usual, "you're too stupid to know" rebuttal coming, could you please include some substance based on facts in that upcoming post?
Donʻt forget the amortized debt reduction.

What reduction? Your only accurate statement ever (although you’re incapable of explaining it properly because of your convoluted thinking) is that the debt is reducing tragically slightly during those early years of front-loaded interest.

Fortunately, I’m gaining 100% of the appreciation in value on the property anyways while my money is busy working elsewhere.

That way, I continue to build equity in my house without paying in more principal and I make more money by utilizing my available capital elsewhere.

I don’t expect you to understand.
Tell me more about that fake money? Counterfeit, was it? And what happened when people spent it?
You and Ricky form a task force yet to find out where it went?
Ricky, Iz, c’mon now. You’re scaring me with that talk about counterfeit money. I mean, what happens? I spent some for sure. Am I in trouble? Ricky, you mentioned it vanishes “into thin air?” I’ve been checking my bank balances and it’s still there.
Please guys, you seem to really know this stuff. Help me out here.
Tell me more about that fake money? Counterfeit, was it? And what happened when people spent it?
You and Ricky form a task force yet to find out where it went?

I haven't heard any of the sellers of assets purchased with QE money complaining about how they couldn't spend that money.
So if saving our country from years of depression by increasing the debt is the only side effect to QE, I'll take it. Anything else?
I know you would rather the ultra wealthy profit from the US going deeper in debt like with t's tax bill, but I'd rather all America see the results like with what Bush and Obama did.
QE has made the rich richer and sent the country in to nearly twice as much debt under Obama and Bush. They didnʻt save the country, they just made it more fragile and more susceptible to financial crisis. You people arenʻt smart enough to see whatʻs been happening since before the great depression. Always an increase in money supply before each financial crisis the U.S. has ever been through.