Essential Economics for Politicians

Wyoming’s coal plants are so unprofitable Republicans turned to a ‘socialist program’ to save them
Wyoming lawmakers pass bill forcing ratepayers to buy dirty, uneconomic coal power.

“They’re asking the citizens of Wyoming who pay [for] energy to pay more to keep coal plants going,” University of Wyoming economist Jason Shogren told the Wyoming Tribune Eagle. “In one sense, it’s a very socialist program.”

The Rodent was stoned from 10th thru 12th grade, then a period of rebellion until
street life forced the Union net.....

Did you even read the full article and understand the reasoning.......
Here's a quote from the article :

" The Trump administration has proposed bailouts for the industry; it has
tried urging utilities not to shut down coal plants; and the Department of
Energy is providing up to $38 million in funding to improve the performance
and reliability of existing coal plants. "

That means the " Trump " administration is PAYING for performance upgrades
to make the plants more efficient. In other words recycling the energy back thru
the stacks and reducing the emissions while making the productivity of the plant
profitable to remain in existence.....Coal fired plants provide that opportunity...

Do some research Rodent.....
Coal is dead, has been for well over a decade. Wind, solar, renewable clean energy is the future, nothing you say can or will change that.
Coal is dead, has been for well over a decade. Wind, solar, renewable clean energy is the future, nothing you say can or will change that.

Coal still has significant uses as a refining element in iron and steel production. As a fuel, it has been replaced by natural gas and renewables.
Number Five: In the same vein, you have no doubt heard reference to “helicopter money.” This is a variant of QE favored by certain politicians who talk blithely about the need for “QE for the people.” The idea is to by-pass the treasury mandarins by dropping newly printed money directly to the people via government spending, so that they (rather than the already-rich classes) can benefit from the bonanza and aid the economy by spending their new-found wealth. Again, this notion commits the fundamental error of equating “money” and “wealth.” If everyone suddenly finds that free handouts have swelled their bank accounts, how long will it be before prices follow? (And since even helicopter money originates at the central bank, you can be sure that the financial sector willsomehow get its hands on it first anyway!)
There is in all of us a strong disposition to believe that anything lawful is also legitimate. This belief is so widespread that many persons have erroneously held that things are "just" because laws make them so. Thus in order to make plunder appear just and sacred to many consciences, it is only necessary for the law to decree and sanction it.--Frederic Bastiat writing on government-sanctioned counterfeiting: 1. governmentpaper money and fractional reserve banking