Essential Economics for Politicians

Here's some Socialism I don't agree with:
Trump’s farmer bailout just hit $7.7 billion

As the Trump administration continues trade talks with China, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has paid out a total of $7.7 billion in aid to farmers to offset the effects of tariffs.

And the GOP is totally against socialism? But not to millionaire farmers who contribute a ton to their reelection apparently. Why not practice free trade and outright capitalism and forgo government interference?
Major socialism.
Here's some Socialism I don't agree with:
Trump’s farmer bailout just hit $7.7 billion

As the Trump administration continues trade talks with China, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has paid out a total of $7.7 billion in aid to farmers to offset the effects of tariffs.

And the GOP is totally against socialism? But not to millionaire farmers who contribute a ton to their reelection apparently. Why not practice free trade and outright capitalism and forgo government interference?

Devin's cow approves of this message.
Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley applies for federal bailout for farmers hurt by Trump's trade war
The Iowa senator needs a bailout after Trump's trade policies have caused farmers to take a major hit

"China’s targeted, retaliatory tariffs on soybeans, meats, and other farm commodities will hammer American farmers already suffering from low farm prices. And China’s new duties on imports of U.S. vehicles—which have been surging in recent years—will now make it harder for American plants and workers to compete in that key market," Ed Gerwin, a senior fellow for trade and global opportunity at the Progressive Policy Institute, told Salon by email in July.

Gerwin added, "President Trump has made a big deal about the benefits of recent tax cuts for business and average Americans. But he can’t hide the fact that these escalating tariffs are tax increases that will hurt American competitiveness, cost consumers, and destroy jobs."

Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley applies for federal bailout for farmers hurt by Trump's trade war
The Iowa senator needs a bailout after Trump's trade policies have caused farmers to take a major hit

"China’s targeted, retaliatory tariffs on soybeans, meats, and other farm commodities will hammer American farmers already suffering from low farm prices. And China’s new duties on imports of U.S. vehicles—which have been surging in recent years—will now make it harder for American plants and workers to compete in that key market," Ed Gerwin, a senior fellow for trade and global opportunity at the Progressive Policy Institute, told Salon by email in July.

Gerwin added, "President Trump has made a big deal about the benefits of recent tax cuts for business and average Americans. But he can’t hide the fact that these escalating tariffs are tax increases that will hurt American competitiveness, cost consumers, and destroy jobs."

Fake News.
Trump’s tariffs are not only a new tax for Americans, but a policy of directly picking winners and losers in the economy. The interests of steel workers, for example, are being placed above the interest of consumers and farmers. This leads to the government using tax dollars to prop up farmers. Of course this spending means that tax-paying consumers are hit yet again, with their tax dollars being used for this new welfare program.

Government interventionism doesn’t simply stop there. The natural result of these new government barriers is for businesses to seek ways around them, such as Harley’s decision to move some manufacturing to Europe. This, of course, sparked backlash from President Trump, threatening further retaliation for such a move. As we've seen time and time again, the more Trump digs in to his support for protectionism, the more he will seek to interfere with the actions of individual companies.

Of course defenders of the President will argue that Trump’s tariffs are simply meant as a negotiating ploy designed to give America “better trade deals.” The future is impossible to predict, perhaps that will be the end result. Memes about 4d chess, however, are of little help to those Americans hurt by Trump’s tariff policy. And increasingly the Trump administration has signaled its willingness to embrace a prolonged trade war.

Such policies are, in the long run, as great a threat to the American economy as that posed by the Sanderistas.
Trump’s tariffs are not only a new tax for Americans, but a policy of directly picking winners and losers in the economy. The interests of steel workers, for example, are being placed above the interest of consumers and farmers. This leads to the government using tax dollars to prop up farmers. Of course this spending means that tax-paying consumers are hit yet again, with their tax dollars being used for this new welfare program.

Government interventionism doesn’t simply stop there. The natural result of these new government barriers is for businesses to seek ways around them, such as Harley’s decision to move some manufacturing to Europe. This, of course, sparked backlash from President Trump, threatening further retaliation for such a move. As we've seen time and time again, the more Trump digs in to his support for protectionism, the more he will seek to interfere with the actions of individual companies.

Of course defenders of the President will argue that Trump’s tariffs are simply meant as a negotiating ploy designed to give America “better trade deals.” The future is impossible to predict, perhaps that will be the end result. Memes about 4d chess, however, are of little help to those Americans hurt by Trump’s tariff policy. And increasingly the Trump administration has signaled its willingness to embrace a prolonged trade war.

Such policies are, in the long run, as great a threat to the American economy as that posed by the Sanderistas.
Really Fake News.
That is so scary!!! Wait isn't that how the Military is? And police and fire departments? Parks? City streets? court systems?..etc...etc. Joey, are you against all these things? Why do you support cutting taxes for the super rich which leads to defunding all of these programs which greatly benefit all members of our society? In the military a senior general makes 10x what a Private earns. In the private sector CEO's at major companies earn 300X more than a cleaner at their office. Which is a better system for society as a whole?
Some sucker will always gravitate to the 300x more than a janitor argument. Might as well be a Fries U grad. What a deal!!
Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley applies for federal bailout for farmers hurt by Trump's trade war
The Iowa senator needs a bailout after Trump's trade policies have caused farmers to take a major hit

"China’s targeted, retaliatory tariffs on soybeans, meats, and other farm commodities will hammer American farmers already suffering from low farm prices. And China’s new duties on imports of U.S. vehicles—which have been surging in recent years—will now make it harder for American plants and workers to compete in that key market," Ed Gerwin, a senior fellow for trade and global opportunity at the Progressive Policy Institute, told Salon by email in July.

Gerwin added, "President Trump has made a big deal about the benefits of recent tax cuts for business and average Americans. But he can’t hide the fact that these escalating tariffs are tax increases that will hurt American competitiveness, cost consumers, and destroy jobs."

ahhh my favorite little cowardly cherry picker. At least you were smart enough to not link your post so I can parse through like I did with the National Debt and subsidies to the health and housing industries.
We actually shipped those losers off to Venezuela. We kept the Capitalist farmers here.
The government aid ones stayed? US socialism. How much did we give them? Love people on the federal payroll. Socialism works for losers.’re on the federal payroll, aren’t you?
Izzy in your case lets make that 400x.
Actually our socialist Federal Government pays people pretty well with good benefits.
Post Office folks and VA employees loooove that socialism.
Be happy he “works” for his gubmint check...makes him feel like he’s not just accepting welfare.
ahhh my favorite little cowardly cherry picker. At least you were smart enough to not link your post so I can parse through like I did with the National Debt and subsidies to the health and housing industries.
Izzy can't find this article without the link - he's a real smart guy.