Essential Economics for Politicians

Whatever works for you. A bank pays 80% and I pay 20% of an "asset" (do you yet know that it's an asset? or is it still not an "asset" in your book?) and I get 100% of the increase in value and they get 0% of the increase in value. Must be ok for the bank, or they wouldn't do it. Much better for me. So if you look at the mortgage I have paid on my house, plus the rental value I save for living in it, over the past 20 years, if I sold it tomorrow my deal is soooo much better than the bank's deal it's not even funny. All your conclusions are wrong. How is such a thing possible? You must keep your money under a mattress.

You assume that the housing market will continue at the current rate. When the bubble burst how good will your deal look compared to that of the banks?
You assume that the housing market will continue at the current rate. When the bubble burst how good will your deal look compared to that of the banks?
I assume nothing. The FACT is that for as long as you or I have been alive, owning real estate in so cal has been much better than secured loans at 5%.
I assume nothing. The FACT is that for as long as you or I have been alive, owning real estate in so cal has been much better than secured loans at 5%.
So many holes in what you just posted.

Just so I'm clear. You claim that if someone in So Cal purchased a home in 91 and sold it in 94 that they did better then 5%?
So many holes in what you just posted.

Just so I'm clear. You claim that if someone in So Cal purchased a home in 91 and sold it in 94 that they did better then 5%?
Duh, the stock market is worse than loaning at 5% too, if you invested in ‘07 and sold in ‘09. You can join the class I’m going to give Iz.
Or sell. Unless you have financial problems, you can almost always sell real estate at a nice profit
Are really this stupid or are you just trying to act like it?

So, just sell? Like in my example I gave you of buying in 91 and selling in 94? So by selling you lock in your losses, as in no profit. As in less then 5%.
Are really this stupid or are you just trying to act like it?

So, just sell? Like in my example I gave you of buying in 91 and selling in 94? So by selling you lock in your losses, as in no profit. As in less then 5%.
If you noticed, I said “unless you have financial problems...” you don’t sell a house that’s underwater because you need the money unless you have financial problems. I should say ALMOST everybody makes more money on houses than on making loans at 5%. i guess not you and Iz. Maybe it’s that “uneducated white male” Trump demographic, right?
If you noticed, I said “unless you have financial problems...” you don’t sell a house that’s underwater because you need the money unless you have financial problems. I should say ALMOST everybody makes more money on houses than on making loans at 5%. i guess not you and Iz. Maybe it’s that “uneducated white male” Trump demographic, right?
So answer the question. Between 91 and 94 did your real estate portfolio make you money or lose you money? Your such an idiot. You should have stuck with your original screen name.
So answer the question. Between 91 and 94 did your real estate portfolio make you money or lose you money? Your such an idiot. You should have stuck with your original screen name.
Why are you so obsessed with the one period in the last 30 years that real estate dipped? Did you get hurt by it?
Dude, 3 strikes you're out. maybe take a class or something. In my example (which is over your head), my asset value ($2.2m) is worth far more than the bank's asset value (a payable $800K loan earning a mortgage interest rate). Do you really not know this stuff? And yet you cite articles and shoot off your mouth like you know what you're talking about?
I had a feeling you were a nutcake in a you've proven it.

How much did you pay under the table for the inflated appraisal....
You assume that the housing market will continue at the current rate. When the bubble burst how good will your deal look compared to that of the banks?

Messy is " messy " with his financial " valuations ".....
His logic is why the housing market took a leaping shit in 07 - 08...
Messy = Barney Frank Logic
Pulling out " estimated " value and then owning an over encumbered
piece of real estate or letting the bank take the risk upon repossession
before or after a sale was one of the key failings...