ECNL vs. College Team (Womens)

It’s so hard being a magat, am I right? In the old days, it was totally fine to tell racist and misogynistic “jokes” using “comedy” as a cover to make your racist or misogynistic points. Now, it’s harder and harder to get away with being an a**hole since it turns out there are consequences for being a bigot, even if you try to mislabel it “cancel culture”.
Are racism and misogyny practiced by only by one ethnic group/race in the United States? Asking for some of my white friends.
It’s so hard being a magat, am I right? In the old days, it was totally fine to tell racist and misogynistic “jokes” using “comedy” as a cover to make your racist or misogynistic points. Now, it’s harder and harder to get away with being an a**hole since it turns out there are consequences for being a bigot, even if you try to mislabel it “cancel culture”.
As an Independent, I wouldn’t know.
No...I just don’t think it’s right to weaponize sensitivity.

You don’t know me, you don’t know what I’ve encountered in my life or the struggles my grandparents endured being discriminated against as immigrants.

Get off your high horse haas. You look like an idiot!

So now opposing bigotry is “weaponizing sensitivity”? Is there no end to the ridiculous ways that magats will try to rationalize their hate and bigotry? The only “weaponizing” is Douchy McDouchster using a sorry excuse for “comedy” as a way to make a misogynistic point.

But hey, he knew someone who actually faced hardship, so that’s a great excuse to mock gender equity. That makes a lot of sense for a magat.
Are racism and misogyny practiced by only by one ethnic group/race in the United States? Asking for some of my white friends.

The desperate hunt continues to find some minority somewhere who did something @happy9 doesn’t like so he can continue rationalizing why white magat men should be able to keep oppressing people.
The desperate hunt continues to find some minority somewhere who did something @happy9 doesn’t like so he can continue rationalizing why white magat men should be able to keep oppressing people.
Nice non -answer - as per SOP. I see you've rallied the troops today.
As an Independent, I wouldn’t know.

Registering independent makes you no less responsible for the racism, bigotry, disregard for human life, corruption and all their other bs when you vote for magats. I love how people register independent and then vote for the most awful people “for tax reasons”, as if they’re any less accountable for everything that comes with their vote.
Nice non -answer - as per SOP. I see you've rallied the troops today.

That is one way to discount how the majority of people know you’re a sack of s**t who supports more of the same. Are you going to whine about how the election was stolen now?
Nice non -answer - as per SOP. I see you've rallied the troops today.

This is an interesting magat way to avoid the issue Here, @happy9 is desperately trying to change the subject of the conversation, which is that making a racist or misognistic point remains inappropriate even if you try to present it as comedy. So our bigoty buddy uses “whataboutism” to deflect away from his misogynistic friend’s indefensible statement. Then, when I don’t let him control his fake narrative - but instead keep bringing it back to the indefensible bigotry of his buddy - he gets all bent out of shape that his desperate attempt to blame minorities for something, anything, didn’t work. These Fox News/Newsmax/OAN Snowflake techniques only work with their weak-minded viewers.
White men do not face inequalities. They have been at the front of the line their entire life.
My brother was on the front lines in the Vietnam War in 1967 with other Americans, white, black and brown bro and from what his friends all told him and I what I believe, they ALL faced inequalities brother. They died together, on the battle field. Are you joking today because all of sudden the same old same old are using race to entice. Why now? All my friends are white, black, latino and asian, WE are all Americans first btw :)
Registering independent makes you no less responsible for the racism, bigotry, disregard for human life, corruption and all their other bs when you vote for magats. I love how people register independent and then vote for the most awful people “for tax reasons”, as if they’re any less accountable for everything that comes with their vote.
Someone is TRIGGERED today! Guess no matter what you have this BS preconceived notion of everyone. I’m sure it’s a wonderful existence, I wish tou the best.
My brother was on the front lines in the Vietnam War in 1967 with other Americans, white, black and brown bro and from what his friends all told him and I what I believe, they ALL faced inequalities brother. They died together, on the battle field. Are you joking today because all of sudden the same old same old are using race to entice. Why now? All my friends are white, black, latino and asian, WE are all Americans first btw :)

Yeah! Your white bro fought in Viet Nam, so therefore it’s ok to deny jobs to minorities, pay equality to women, and people need to get over all the racist cops murdering black people. Sheesh, he tried to get his bigoty point across in a joke, so what’s the big deal anyway?

Also very nice of you to tell minorities that they just need to deal with it, because this is how you perceive America and they all need to put that ahead of, you know, not getting murdered by a cop because of their skin color.
Someone is TRIGGERED today! Guess no matter what you have this BS preconceived notion of everyone. I’m sure it’s a wonderful existence, I wish tou the best.

Here’s another magaty technique. Any time someone stands up to bigotry, claim they are triggered or “politically correct”. Even better, let’s claim that they’re “weaponizing sensitivity”!

Magaty snowflakes can’t handle that people push back on their whiny bigotry. They are more soft than dumb even, and god knows they are really dumb.
Here’s another magaty technique. Any time someone stands up to bigotry, claim they are triggered or “politically correct”. Even better, let’s claim that they’re “weaponizing sensitivity”!

Magaty snowflakes can’t handle that people push back on their whiny bigotry. They are more soft than dumb even, and god knows they are really dumb.
Yes dear!
This is an interesting magat way to avoid the issue Here, @happy9 is desperately trying to change the subject of the conversation, which is that making a racist or misognistic point remains inappropriate even if you try to present it as comedy. So our bigoty buddy uses “whataboutism” to deflect away from his misogynistic friend’s indefensible statement. Then, when I don’t let him control his fake narrative - but instead keep bringing it back to the indefensible bigotry of his buddy - he gets all bent out of shape that his desperate attempt to blame minorities for something, anything, didn’t work. These Fox News/Newsmax/OAN Snowflake techniques only work with their weak-minded viewers.
Avoiding the issue - the irony is rich.

Isn't it funny how little you know about minorities and their problems. Don't flatter yourself with the assumption that you control any narrative on here or anywhere else where you may voice your opinion. Always revert back to the boogeyman. At least you aren't taking a cheap shot at mine or anyone else's DD today. That's a decent first step.
And you had Derek Chauvin on yours, at least until he got s**t-canned and charged with murder.
triggered indeed. Your reality is such a delusion that you create divisions in your brain then act on them for reasons only known to you.

The thought that anyone on here supports the idea of a Derek Chauvin as a viable member of law enforcement is laughable. Your statement demonstrates just how serious of a person you are not. You should really move on to more progressive forums that fit your lifestyle and quit hurling insults at people's kids in between non sensical posts using made up words.
triggered indeed. Your reality is such a delusion that you create divisions in your brain then act on them for reasons only known to you.

The thought that anyone on here supports the idea of a Derek Chauvin as a viable member of law enforcement is laughable. Your statement demonstrates just how serious of a person you are not. You should really move on to more progressive forums that fit your lifestyle and quit hurling insults at people's kids in between non sensical posts using made up words.

You should first ask your friend how he feels before coming to his defense. So how do you feel about your bud Chauvin @Desert Hound? Should he go to prison?

If you want a forum that fits your lifestyle, Parler is back online.