Dominic: Why do you allow clear racists in your forum?

The Outlaw and Sheriff Joe are clear-cut, textbook racists. Are these the views of your forum? If so, let us know so the rest of us civilized people can leave. If they don't represent the views of your forum, then you shouldn't have people like them in it.

Let us know. Thanks.

Since you are calling for/establishing a Kangaroo Court and electing ( with out prior consent ) Dominic
as the " Judge ",
you will need to present your evidence in a clear concise format all can understand
that without a doubt affirms your caustic accusation.

You have all the time in the world to lay out your complaint/accusation....when done with your
presentation I would urge you
to read thru the documents/statements I have attached below:

" Article
19 of the UDHR states that "everyone shall have the right to hold opinions without
interference" and "everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall
include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless
of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in ... "
The constitution was a product of its time and the beliefs and education of those framing it. The smartest thing they did (or recognized) was that it wasn't sacrosanct by providing a mechanism to change it, which has happened as evidenced by the amendments to the same. So simply put, there is literally not a single word or "right" in the constitution that cannot be changed or revoked via a defined process.

The senate was devised in part, as I recall, to prevent the tyranny of the majority, although you could argue today that it is enabling the tyranny of a minority. That can be changed per above.

The 2 party state is a misnomer in my view. The parties are being dictated to by the extremes in each. Those extremes are getting too much power because of the primary process which tends to weigh to the most motivated group. Neither, on the extremes of left or right, are representative of the broader American public or the general views of the political parties. But because they can band together and create a voting block in Congress, they sway both parties the wrong way, imv.

You're making yourself look very " Limited " the Constitution.
Damned white people! Is there a white cop somewhere that we can blame for this?

Bull Conner, Jim Clark, Gregore Sambor, Derek Chauvin, J. Alexander Kueng, Thomas Lane, Jon Mattingly, Myles Cosgrove, Brett Hankison, Darren Wilson, Sandra Spagnoli, Daniel Pantaleo, F.B. Day, D.W. Mixon, Brett Palkowitsch, Jacob McDonough. Tens of thousands more.
Bull Conner, Jim Clark, Gregore Sambor, Derek Chauvin, J. Alexander Kueng, Thomas Lane, Jon Mattingly, Myles Cosgrove, Brett Hankison, Darren Wilson, Sandra Spagnoli, Daniel Pantaleo, F.B. Day, D.W. Mixon, Brett Palkowitsch, Jacob McDonough. Tens of thousands more.

Bull Conner, Jim Clark, Gregore Sambor, Derek Chauvin, J. Alexander Kueng, Thomas Lane, Jon Mattingly, Myles Cosgrove, Brett Hankison, Darren Wilson, Sandra Spagnoli, Daniel Pantaleo, F.B. Day, D.W. Mixon, Brett Palkowitsch, Jacob McDonough. Tens of thousands more.

The worst cops are just bad apples and we shouldn't judge all cops by their actions.

The worst protestors loot stores and therefore all protestors are criminals.
Bull Conner, Jim Clark, Gregore Sambor, Derek Chauvin, J. Alexander Kueng, Thomas Lane, Jon Mattingly, Myles Cosgrove, Brett Hankison, Darren Wilson, Sandra Spagnoli, Daniel Pantaleo, F.B. Day, D.W. Mixon, Brett Palkowitsch, Jacob McDonough. Tens of thousands more.

Damn, Rainbow, I guess you have to be careful what you wish for. Mr. Alcindor was JUST saying black protesters "want to live and breathe." I wonder if it's still easy to live and breathe once you've been stabbed.
