Do DOC/Club Presidents care about how coaches act on the sidelines?

That is why he gets away with what he does.... :)
I’ve never seen him be abusive or cross the line. Sarcastic, a little whiney, condescending, yeah. I don’t toss coaches very often and it’s always for abuse. Or berating an AR. Complaining is usually ok especially if it’s done creatively.
Of course, I’m really really good so they don’t have much to complain about
Do refs keep a "blacklist" of worst offenders? And/or - do you try to take or avoid games when you know if a coach has a "reputation"?
Do refs keep a "blacklist" of worst offenders? And/or - do you try to take or avoid games when you know if a coach has a "reputation"?

Not a blacklist per se, but if there is a known problem or previous issue with a coach (i.e. super high maintenance, whiny Pre-Maddona (generally with an English/Irish/Scottish accent)) coordinators try to put Referees that can handle the guy, but sometimes the Coordinator just doesn't know who the coach will be for teams. The worse offenders have reputations that do precede them.

What happens in pregame is the Referees sit down and discuss expectations, which includes known issues with players and coaches/administrators. If there is a coach with tendencies to display poor behaviors, we will even talk to the coaches before hand and let them know indirectly they are on a short leash. But at the end of the day, we all understand that stepping over the line with a little passion is part of the game, just don't do it in a manner that exacerbates poor behavior on the field.
Do refs keep a "blacklist" of worst offenders? And/or - do you try to take or avoid games when you know if a coach has a "reputation"?

Not really a blacklist. Coach are different with different refs. One coach may be an a-hole in the morning game to Baldref and nice to me in the afternoon game or vice versa. I have worked with referees that have told me in the pregame that a coach is a jerk, but during the game I have no problem with them. The coaches that know me know that I will not tolerate getting yelled at and will address the yelling at the referee crew very early in the game. Those coaches just don't yell at me or if they do yell something it is not constant, repetitive or disrespectful. There are a few coaches that when I see that I have their team I know I must address their yelling early or it will persist and get louder. The last thing any referee wants to do is eject a coach. We have to fill out a report and it usually impacts the players. Profanity from a coach toward a coach, player, spectator or referee is an instant ejection. Profanity from a coach during a youth game will not be tolerated.

As for the trying to avoid games with a certain coach. That is usually not possible for club games since the assigner send us multiple game assignments usually before the tournament schedule is even posted. For fall league, I have requested a couple times to have my game assignments changed to avoid a coach that I ejected recently. The assigners understood and moved me.
High school coaches are allowed to black-ball refs they really don't like.

And HS referees are allowed to block three teams and three locations, so those blocks can be used to block a specific coach. I use all six of my blocks. Most of my blocks are used to avoid a conflict of interest but I do have one block in place because to avoid a specific coach. And, don't ask who it is because I will not tell you.
And HS referees are allowed to block three teams and three locations, so those blocks can be used to block a specific coach. I use all six of my blocks. Most of my blocks are used to avoid a conflict of interest but I do have one block in place because to avoid a specific coach. And, don't ask who it is because I will not tell you.

Because of my overlapping roles as parent, club official, and high school volunteer, I sometimes interact with coaches in one arena who have upset me in another. I once had a HS coach apologize to me while I was gathering rosters before a game - but he apologized for the issue where I just laughed at him, not the one where he pissed me off.
You are too politically correct. But what you are not saying says it all.

I agree with M that you are one of the more respected coaches around and that is for a good reason. One obvious difference between you and Joe is that you care that you were tossed out while Joe claims that is shows passion.
Why would Joe bother to keep this thread going by disliking this post today? Makes me wonder if he is all there.
Does getting tossed from a game make club directors upset? Or do they like the “passion”?
Do they care about coaches screaming like freaks at little kids?
Or do they only care if it impacts returning player$$ in the next sign up season?
Only if someone complains about the coach...