Yeah...the recent small studies are showing that it is more prevalent with COVID than the Flu. Once again, we need larger studies but as I understand it, several of the universities don't want to chance it because of the latest studies.Myocarditis is nothing new. It can be caused by any virus. There are studies all over the web about it's effects on athletes and on those in the military. The thing that is unique now is that better medical care is occuring that is catching prior to people dying (which is great) and medical issues associated with Covid get a much greater attention by the media.
"Overall, 78% of recovered COVID-19 patients showed signs of some type of heart abnormality. The most common heart problem was inflammation of the heart muscle, or myocarditis, experienced by 60% of patients. Some patients also showed signs of inflammation of the pericardium, the tissue that surrounds the heart. Myocarditis occasionally occurs with influenza, adenovirus and other respiratory viruses, though it's much less common, for instance showing up in less than 10% of cases of flu, according to a 2012 study in the journal Influenza Research and Treatment. "
"Our findings demonstrate that participants with a relative paucity of preexisting cardiovascular [conditions] and with mostly home-based recovery had frequent cardiac inflammatory involvement" after COVID-19, the authors said."

COVID-19 linked to heart damage in healthy people, small study suggests
Three quarters of recovered COVID-19 patients had signs of lingering heart damage months after their initial infection.