Got this today. Thought it was a quick but good read.
This is a great article. However I disagree that establishing A,B,C teams is a bad thing. Even without coaches differentiating, players of any age are pretty aware of where they stand. I like the idea of A/B/C teams being fluid throughout the season as incentive to do better and because players get different things out of playing in like skill and mixed skill environments. We do differentiate in schools too and students are also aware of that. As a player in my day, sitting the bench did not result in changing teams, quitting mid-season or even a parent complaining to the coach. The culture was simply to take feedback and use it, work harder and earn your spot. I find that mindset very rare now in competitive youth sports. As parents we need to take ownership of what we demand from coaches in terms of winning, playing time, etc. Are we allowing coaches the opportunity to develop our players as their first priority? We shape the landscape as much as anyone else.