Sheriff Joe
Just summarizing.Not helping..![]()
Just summarizing.Not helping..![]()
Lumping illegals in with legal immigrants just another way liberals vilify the right, I have not heard anyone in here talking about all immigrants being a drain, but I could be wrong, it's happened before.“The National Research Council concluded that immigrants collectively add as much as $10 billion to the national economy each year, paying on average $80,000 per capita more in taxes than they use in government services over their lifetimes...”
Think about this. At first you’re like, see? It’s positive and that sounds like a big number. But if you think a little deeper - It is crazy. If you average it out across all immigrants including legal ones, it comes out to net, each person only contributes $80k in taxes TOTAL by the end of their LIFE. I pay more than that in less a year. If you consider the cost of capital over their lifetime in terms of investing in our economy vs investing those dollars into something else, it’s a very poor investment. The cost of healthcare alone for an illegal far outweighs any economic contribution whatsoever. It’s like buying a truck for your business that makes $50k a year but costs $100k/year to maintain.
Now to be clear before some of you idiots start hating on all immigrants, it would be completely false to say all immigrants only contribute little to our economy. Rather it shows just how much illegals and refugees drag down the contributions of legal immigrants in this country with higher tax paying jobs lined up and able to fully support themselves - companies cover their healthcare, etc... I include refugees because when they arrive most come from impoverished countries and will require more in public money than they contribute, they come with nothing but the shirts on their backs. But at least for the real refugees, these people really are in life or death situations and as a American, I am proud that we are able to provide a safe place and opportunity for as many as we can. But the ones manipulating the system for refugee status are literally thieves and those helping them are accomplices who should be prosecuted.
Reference link:
Well, thank you all for continuing to hijack this thread for your own personal agendas and repetitive debates about immigration and racism- I for one will not be checking any more of the updates on this thread - the long lectures and debates about a topic other than what this thread is about has gotten old. I have no issue with the new topic or discussion about this topic but this thread is not the place for this. Maybe some of you are UCLA fans and looking to shift this conversation so everyone stops paying attention and the original topic all goes away
Not helping..![]()
Lumping illegals in with legal immigrants just another way liberals vilify the right, I have not heard anyone in here talking about all immigrants being a drain, but I could be wrong, it's happened before.
That would declaw many liberals.That is how we end racism.
If each race addressed their own bad apples, racism would decline dramatically.
Lumping illegals in with legal immigrants just another way liberals vilify the right, I have not heard anyone in here talking about all immigrants being a drain, but I could be wrong, it's happened before.
Reading this thread is a trip.....No immigrant thesis to add, just a real American story;
My pop was an illegal who became legal....His 1st born, was a punk ass teenager who had he not been born in the US, would no doubt have been deported.
The illegal, who-became-legal immigrant, 1st US born grandchild now attends the university of subject.
If that illegal did not take the 1st step....the pre-mentioned would not be true. But it is, and he did.
Thank you pops, aka, Mr former illegal.....Thank you for taking the risk w/the law. Then working your ass off to make it right![]()
Congratulations on your success, but how can any country function when laws are not obeyed? I am going to go out on a limb here and assume your dad came here and assimilated and made his own way.Reading this thread is a trip.....No immigrant thesis to add, just a real American story;
My pop was an illegal who became legal....His 1st born, was a punk ass teenager who had he not been born in the US, would no doubt have been deported.
The illegal, who-became-legal immigrant, 1st US born grandchild now attends the university of subject.
If that illegal did not take the 1st step....the pre-mentioned would not be true. But it is, and he did.
Thank you pops, aka, Mr former illegal.....Thank you for taking the risk w/the law. Then working your ass off to make it right![]()
You should be thanking taxpayers instead. But hey, thanks for proving my point.
Reading this thread is a trip.....No immigrant thesis to add, just a real American story;
My pop was an illegal who became legal....His 1st born, was a punk ass teenager who had he not been born in the US, would no doubt have been deported.
The illegal, who-became-legal immigrant, 1st US born grandchild now attends the university of subject.
If that illegal did not take the 1st step....the pre-mentioned would not be true. But it is, and he did.
Thank you pops, aka, Mr former illegal.....Thank you for taking the risk w/the law. Then working your ass off to make it right![]()
You should be thanking taxpayers instead. But hey, thanks for proving my point.
It is short sighted to judge that some immigrants will be productive contributing members of US society while others will live off the system. To me the real issue is why illegal immigrates feel entitled to break the law and jump ahead of other deserving people that fill out the proper paperwork and wait for their lottery number to hit. If we allow this free for all, let them cage fight for entrance. Same with the college scandal, these parents think that their kids are more special and more deserving thanks to their money. ( see how I transitioned back to the top...take a hint).Lumping illegals in with legal immigrants just another way liberals vilify the right, I have not heard anyone in here talking about all immigrants being a drain, but I could be wrong, it's happened before.
Did you miss the "hardworking" part?
I meant see how I transitioned back to the TOPIC...take a hint( see how I transitioned back to the top...take a hint).