Many of these discussions in the past have looped around the same way -- the climate denial camp presents some supposed support for their view that turns out on closer examination not to be what they claim. Interestingly, almost all of these examples presented by the deniers who complain about publication restrictions end up in good-paying positions on foundations that let them publish what they want. The latest example is Dr. Clauser, who is now on the board of the CO2 Coalition. Those interested can find out more about that group here --The central concept of the article does not support your position.
Brown is right that review boards are, in some cases, reluctant to publish. He is talking about whether to include a side topic (who lights forest fires) that might detract from the main point (climate change seems to be making the fires worse).
The question is whether to discuss the fact that climate related disasters are also impacted by other factors. Brown says yes, and he is right.
What Brown is not doing is advocating for publication of climate skeptics. Nowhere is the article does he mention skeptics, and it is a misreading on your part to imply that he did.