Climate and Weather

Weather forecast pertaining to DEMOCRATS between now and Nov 3rd 2020.....

Hot, Muggy, Sticky...And all around down right miserable and a very very sure chance of " Wetness "

running down their legs as the date looms ever closer......
Weather forecast pertaining to DEMOCRATS between now and Nov 3rd 2020.....

Hot, Muggy, Sticky...And all around down right miserable and a very very sure chance of " Wetness "

running down their legs as the date looms ever closer......
Major landslide. Trump thrown out embarrassingly and taking Senate majority with him.
America survives and thrives.
You mean "Coathanger Amy" as she is now being referred to?

The rumor " swirling " around the forums is you were referred to as quite the fluffer
when the Unions gigs didn't pan out..... your seventy eight year old candidate is
in need of your unique services to " Pump him up "....
trump and his band of stupid lost, can we now move on to being an adult nation once again that actually confronts it’s issues instead of ignores them hoping they will just go away, like how trump has dealt with COVID-19?

trump and his band of stupid lost, can we now move on to being an adult nation once again that actually confronts it’s issues instead of ignores them hoping they will just go away, like how trump has dealt with COVID-19?

trump and his band of stupid lost, can we now move on to being an adult nation once again that actually confronts it’s issues instead of ignores them hoping they will just go away, like how trump has dealt with COVID-19?
