Climate and Weather

Yes, let’s get out to the court house in Santa Ana or how about downtown La maybe frisco.
You mean DTLA with all the new restaurants and bars and cool places to live? Or SF, one of the most desirable places to live on the planet?
I think your focus is on the homeless, maybe?
Before you bag on your home state, I would simply make the comment you should get out more.
And go where?

Downtown LA has a Typhus problem.
Downtown SD a Hep A outbreak.
Downtown SF ... well just look at the Crap App.

These are our showcase cities. Seriously dude, you should read more.

Btw, GoBearGo said hi. Our boys played each other... we both had a good laugh at your expense.
Its not dangerous as long as you have an IQ above room temperature.

I asked why they didn't cut off the gas at the meter. They said if they did that, all the gas in the pipe (and it's a long way from the meter to the valve) could leak out anyway. Doing it their way, with the new valve all prepped and tools at the ready, was only about 5 seconds of leaking.

Watch Climate Activists Try To Explain Why They Use Products Made From Fossil Fuels
September 21st, 2019

Stephanie Hamill Climate Change Strike, Washington D.C.

The Daily Caller dropped by the climate strike in Washington, D.C. on Friday to learn more about the activists who are demanding that you and I change the way we live, eat and go about our lives.

You may be surprised to hear this, but most of the activists are just like us. They wear products made from fossil fuels, they own cars, many told me they eat meat but also claimed that they were “cutting back,” and they’re certainly okay with killing trees — as long as those trees are used for the silly, meaningless signs they paint buzz phrases on to virtue signal to everyone else. (RELATED:Bernie Sanders, Climate Hawk, Spends Nearly $300K On Private Jet Travel In Month.)

I confronted a few of the activists about their use of products made from fossil fuels and things got a little uncomfortable to say the least.

Really no one could give me a good answer, and in a nutshell, the answers I got pretty much shifted the blame to our society. No one wanted to take responsibility for their own actions.

Shouldn’t they be living by example?

Several activists also opened up to me about their “climate change sins” and again, they’re just like the rest of us who weren’t skipping work, or missing school.

When exiting the rally we noticed the trash cans were overflowing with plastics and even perfectly good signs that could have been reused for the next ‘do as I say, not as I do’ event.

The hypocrisy is astounding.



Watch Climate Activists Try To Explain Why They Use Products Made From Fossil Fuels
September 21st, 2019

Stephanie Hamill Climate Change Strike, Washington D.C.

The Daily Caller dropped by the climate strike in Washington, D.C. on Friday to learn more about the activists who are demanding that you and I change the way we live, eat and go about our lives.

You may be surprised to hear this, but most of the activists are just like us. They wear products made from fossil fuels, they own cars, many told me they eat meat but also claimed that they were “cutting back,” and they’re certainly okay with killing trees — as long as those trees are used for the silly, meaningless signs they paint buzz phrases on to virtue signal to everyone else. (RELATED:Bernie Sanders, Climate Hawk, Spends Nearly $300K On Private Jet Travel In Month.)

I confronted a few of the activists about their use of products made from fossil fuels and things got a little uncomfortable to say the least.

Really no one could give me a good answer, and in a nutshell, the answers I got pretty much shifted the blame to our society. No one wanted to take responsibility for their own actions.

Shouldn’t they be living by example?

Several activists also opened up to me about their “climate change sins” and again, they’re just like the rest of us who weren’t skipping work, or missing school.

When exiting the rally we noticed the trash cans were overflowing with plastics and even perfectly good signs that could have been reused for the next ‘do as I say, not as I do’ event.

The hypocrisy is astounding.


This should come as no surprise to anyone. The liberals on here do the exact thing on here on a daily basis... it's as if they believe if they continue to act this way nobody will notice.
Yes, let’s get out to the court house in Santa Ana or how about downtown La maybe frisco.

Let me guess, Fox News doesn't show images of squatters camp near Austin when they talk about California failing? But yeah, next time I'm in Santa Ana I'll make sure to stop by the court house.