For now it is reimplementing the old rule under section 600, which by the way still allows futsal and indoor soccer (indoor????) So we are talking two different things. CDPH and CIF. CIF said going back to old rules since the new rules violate CDPH. CIF old rules say no club soccer and High School soccer same time. Per old CIF rules Club soccer and another sport are still allowed. CIF also stated that playing with your Club team already doesn't violate any rules since no games have been played in High School. Thus you can practice with High School, but not play a game with them as that is when violation goes into effect. Plus CIF has added Mask requirements.
Now CDPH says only practice with your own cohort. Plus they won't actually let you play games yet. So you might not violate CIF but would violate CDPH? Everyone seems to be violating CDPH, indoor basketball, volleyball, pickup games of basketball, soccer, football, hopscotch. Looks like they need the enforcers from CIF working for CDPH.